I know you can add “clear” to quick menu, but having it as gesture could free up a menu space for something else. I just suggested it because in Procreate they also added gestures for “clear layer”, so I thought having it in Artstudio Pro as gesture too, could be really nice!

And wow most things are fixed already , that was so fast!
Here are some continued bugs:
- snapping lines to perspective grid still not working
- autoshape rectangles still sometimes turn into ovals, but much better than before (maybe around 15% of time now)
- autoshape “perfect shape” with second finger works, but not that well right now. Especially when doing circles, it sometimes takes really long to recognize the second finger tap before it turns into perfect circle. And if you try to release the tap and go back and forth between your shape and perfect shape, it’s recognizes it really slow (especially if compared to the other drawing modes where switching back and forth with tapping is really fast(video attached for comparison)) And sometimes it “freezes” or lags completely and you can’t move the shape anymore with the pencil and just have to release. And other times it doesn’t recognize second finger tap at all (also with °90 lines and rectangles), so nothing happens at all. I attached a video showing what I mean with the circles too
- And if perspective grid line thickness and opacity can be implemented before official release it would amazing. But it’s already great that you can put these settings into toolbar and quick menu now!
And besides that everything seems to work fine right now. How long will the Beta continue before official release?
Edit: - perspective grid doesn’t always save the before set colors on new documents and instead resets to white color
-general suggestion for “grid“ would be that if “show grid” and “snap” are activated that all lines drawn on canvas snap to 90° lines (like in procreate), because right now it’s really hard to draw straight lines with grid. Also lines thickness and opacity setting would be great for grid and guides settings too, not just perspective grid)