May I suggest the feature to auto close a panel after one item is selected? Consider the following scenario:
1. From the brush picker, I choose one brush.
2. I start to draw. But the first stroke is registered as a click on the screen, which closes the brush panel automatically. But I also lose my first drawing stroke.
A more ideal behavior (at least hopefully configurable to user's preferable like "auto close menu item") is to auto close the panel at the end of step 1, when I have chosen one item from the list.
Similar thing happens to the color wheel. For example, if I want to do a color fill:
1. I select the paint bucket tool.
2. I click the color wheel popup, and select a color. Note the color wheel panel stays open.
3. I click the area to fill. Instead of filling, it just closes the color wheel panel. I have to click a second time in order to fill with the color.
Ideal behavior is to auto close the panel (unless the user has dragged to make it always visible) after I have picked a color (end of step 2).
I hope this makes sense. Thanks very much! Those little things will make painting experiences more smooth!