Author Topic: Auto close panel?  (Read 2318 times)


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Auto close panel?
on: February 20, 2023, 11:13:32 PM

May I suggest the feature to auto close a panel after one item is selected? Consider the following scenario:

1. From the brush picker, I choose one brush.
2. I start to draw. But the first stroke is registered as a click on the screen, which closes the brush panel automatically. But I also lose my first drawing stroke.

A more ideal behavior (at least hopefully configurable to user's preferable like "auto close menu item") is to auto close the panel at the end of step 1, when I have chosen one item from the list.

Similar thing happens to the color wheel. For example, if I want to do a color fill:

1. I select the paint bucket tool.
2. I click the color wheel popup, and select a color. Note the color wheel panel stays open.
3. I click the area to fill. Instead of filling, it just closes the color wheel panel. I have to click a second time in order to fill with the color.

Ideal behavior is to auto close the panel (unless the user has dragged to make it always visible) after I have picked a color (end of step 2).

I hope this makes sense. Thanks very much! Those little things will make painting experiences more smooth!
Last Edit: February 21, 2023, 02:18:51 AM by pluskid


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Re: Auto close panel?
Reply #1 on: February 21, 2023, 03:28:01 PM
This is a great idea, I’ve noticed this behavior too. +1
Artstudio Pro convert. Currently working on my upcoming graphic novel and webcomic.

Starting an Art Insta and a YouTube channel. My handle is @borosemedia.


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Re: Auto close panel?
Reply #2 on: February 22, 2023, 01:47:00 PM
+1 Interestingly, this currently *almost* works but you have to keep dragging the stylus some distance.
It will eventually put down paint but isn't useful since there is a gap from where the stroke starts and where paint begins showing up.
Fill tool has the same behavior. If you keep dragging it will eventually fill an area once the drag tolerance feature kicks in.

So, maybe just a bug?


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Re: Auto close panel?
Reply #3 on: February 25, 2023, 12:57:43 PM
Another scenario which is occurring even more frequently is layer panel. When I switch to a different layer and start painting, the first stroke is always lost if I do not remember to explicitly close the layer panel first.