ArtStudio LITE


ArtStudio is the most comprehensive, sketching, painting and photo editing tool in the App Store. Completely re-designed from the ground up the new ArtStudio features a beautiful new user interface and a powerful new graphics engine to make creating works of art faster, easier, and more fun! Using advanced drawing algorithms this is the fastest and most precise version of ArtStudio to date.


If you like this free version, please consider buying the full version with bigger canvas size, save/load layered project in internal gallery, export in PNG or PSD format, more import/export options, custom brushes, more layers.


  • iPhone 5 fully supported
  • canvas size: 320x480, 320x568 (iPhone 5) 
  • 16 tools: select, pencil, wet paintbrush, dry paintbrush, spray, dots, eraser, smudge, bucket fill, gradient, text, clone, heal, blur/sharpen, dodge/burn, eyedropper
  • select tool: rect/ellipse/lasso/magic wand/by color, add/sub/intersect, contract/expand/round corners/border/...
  • text tool: over 150 system fonts, special text layer to easy edit text
  • favorites list to quickly access user's favorite brush settings
  • fully customizable stroke settings: blur, flip, size, opacity, spacing, fadeout, squeeze, angle, speed-size, speed-opacity, random flip, scatter, jitter-spacing, jitter-angle, jitter-size, jitter-squeeze, jitter-opacity, jitter-hue, jitter-saturation, jitter-lightness
  • support for bluetooth styluses 
  • symmetric drawing
  • guidelines, grid
  • shapes: lines, rectangles, ellipses, polygons (open, closed)
  • layer options: add, duplicate, merge down/visible, delete, lock alpha, show/hide, link, name, reorder, opacity, blending modes
  • layer masks
  • layer/selection transformations: move/scale/rotate with multi-touch, flip, rotate left/right, fill/erase
  • distort (skew, perspective etc)
  • 21 layer blending modes: normal, multiply, add, difference, screen, overlay, hue, saturation, color, value, ...
  • import from 'Camera Roll'
  • export to 'Camera Roll'
  • multi-touch navigation with unlimited zoom
  • undo/redo with almost infinite number of steps
  • image resize (none, bilinear, bicubic, lanczos interpolations) , change canvas size, crop
  • 40 filters: gaussian/motion/radial blur, sharpen, unsharp mask, add noise, render clouds, edge detect, border/vignette and more
  • ELASTIFY filter used to make incredible distortions
  • adjustments: brightness/contrast/exposure, hue/saturation/lightness, color balance, temperature, shadows/highlights, CURVES, auto contrast/colors/white balance and more
  • video tutorials