Sorry for the lack of replies. Here are few details what we are doing now.
2 years ago we start working on new graphic engine that was going to be used in future Artstudio Pro. First we were developing Artstudio and the engine simultaneously.
But as the engine was more and more advanced, few months we decided to finally finish it. That's why we temporary almost dropped Artstudio development.
To finish everything in the engine, fix bugs, make optimizations etc we decided to make small note-taking app (vector). We didn't want to use the engine in Artstudio because it could me make Artsudio unstable and buggy.
The note-taking app is almost ready now, and we really love how it works! The strokes are perfectly antialiased and smooth, framerate never drops below 120hz, saving is instantenous.
We also fully switched to SwiftUI and implemented great new UI, with nice draggable panels.
After we finish the note app we will return to Artstudio. It should take 1-2 months for that.
That's the story