Author Topic: Found a bug? Brush stamp artifacts appearing while drawing…  (Read 4942 times)


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I believe I’ve found a bug… For the past few months, I have been experiencing an issue while drawing where random brush stamps appear on my screen. I have tried disabling touch, but that didn't solve the problem.

I have also noticed that this usually generates on the outer edges of the layer I'm working on at the time, and it occurs even when I'm zoomed in too. I only notice the brush stamps when I zoom out again. It's frustrating to have to erase these random stamps periodically, and it happens regardless of the brush I use. Moreover, the stamps always correspond to the brush I am using at the time.

I waited a couple updates to see if it would resolve naturally. I’ve also tried closing the app and restarting my iPad. At this point, all I can do is report it. Thanks in advance to the extermination team.  ;)
Artstudio Pro convert. Currently working on my upcoming graphic novel and webcomic.

Starting an Art Insta and a YouTube channel. My handle is @borosemedia.


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I believe I’ve found a bug… For the past few months, I have been experiencing an issue while drawing where random brush stamps appear on my screen. I have tried disabling touch, but that didn't solve the problem. R

I have also noticed that this usually generates on the outer edges of the layer I'm working on at the time, and it occurs even when I'm zoomed in too. I only notice the brush stamps when I zoom out again. It's frustrating to have to erase these random stamps periodically, and it happens regardless of the brush I use. Moreover, the stamps always correspond to the brush I am using at the time.

Update: I believe this is a palm rejection bug. I’m finding that, along with the brush stamps randomly appearing, when my palm rests on the screen, the pen will suddenly stop drawing. These brush stamps aren’t showing up until my palm or fingers hit the screen (hence why they seem to be showing up on the edges of where I am painting).

I’m also getting glitches with the brush size suddenly changing, guides suddenly appearing on my canvas (I have the rulers on), and the color picker showing up (which makes more sense then the former issues). This seems to happen in both “pencil only” and “draw with pencil and finger” modes. I have touch set to none in gesture settings as well as three-finger swipe set to brush size and default settings for the color picker.
Artstudio Pro convert. Currently working on my upcoming graphic novel and webcomic.

Starting an Art Insta and a YouTube channel. My handle is @borosemedia.

Lucky Clan

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Could you export your Preferences using Artstudio > Preferences > ... > Export and send me them to [email protected]

Please also tell me which brush were you using when it happened?

Lucky Clan

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Could you export your Preferences using Artstudio > Preferences > ... > Export and send me them to [email protected]

Please also tell me which brush were you using when it happened?

Can you tell if random dots were drawn when Pencil Only mode was turned on or off?


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Could you export your Preferences using Artstudio > Preferences > ... > Export and send me them to [email protected]

Please also tell me which brush were you using when it happened?

I will send you the export. Also, I have been using my custom brushes mostly, but it seems to happen no matter what brush I use. I can send you my custom brushes if that helps.
Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 02:09:12 PM by BoroseMedia
Artstudio Pro convert. Currently working on my upcoming graphic novel and webcomic.

Starting an Art Insta and a YouTube channel. My handle is @borosemedia.

Lucky Clan

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Thanks for the files sent by email. Bug is fixed!


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Thanks for the files sent by email. Bug is fixed!

No problem. Thank you for you hard work. Can’t wait to draw without that bug in the way.  :D 🐛
Artstudio Pro convert. Currently working on my upcoming graphic novel and webcomic.

Starting an Art Insta and a YouTube channel. My handle is @borosemedia.