We removed "Square Thumbnails" option from Preferences to make UI more consistent.
1) I saw that, but what I meant is, that it’s generally always square thumbnail now. Before it was possible to have the thumbnail in the same ratio as the image. Now it only changes within the square ratio, when it should be changing the overall ratio. If that’s on purpose, then I don’t think it’s the best UI decision, I think it should be up to the user if they want a square thumbnail or image ratio, so definitely the previous way, where everything could be adjusted individually was better. (Like in the current AppStore version)
Layer Flashing options works fine, i have just tested that.
2) It doesn’t do anything for me, it also doesn’t work in the AppStore version, I just noticed.
X is too thick - we will fix it
3) I saw it was adjusted a bit, but I still think it’s too thick and opaque. It should be very subtle, like before, otherwise it’s too distracting.
4) Also the strokes of the thumbnails (like the lines of what is drawn on the layer), look a bit weird now, almost as if they are very strongly sharpened with a white outline around it. It doesn’t look like a true representation of what’s on the layer, the colors look slighty different too. Especially if you compare it with the current AppStore version, it looks wrong.
I attached a screen recording showing all of what I just mentioned, compared with the beta (dark blue accent color) and the AppStore version(light blue accent color). Generally I’d suggest everything to stay as it was, except for removing the checkerboard background. The other changes made to the thumbnails right now, are not an improvement to the UI, imo it looks less professional, with less options than before. Hope it can be fixed.