Author Topic: Canvas Selection Bar Partially Obscures Expand and Minimize Bar on MacOS  (Read 1823 times)


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Hello, Lucky Clan! The canvas selection menu on the very top of the software obscures the minimize and expand buttons on MacOS, while this doesn’t make the software unusable, it is an annoying occurrence and I thought I’d let you know it was happening. I’m currently using a MacBook Air with the latest MacOS software.
Artstudio Pro convert. Currently working on my upcoming graphic novel and webcomic.

Starting an Art Insta and a YouTube channel. My handle is @borosemedia.

Lucky Clan

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It has been fixed in version 3.1.4, just released


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So happy to see the fix, keep up the fantastic work!
Artstudio Pro convert. Currently working on my upcoming graphic novel and webcomic.

Starting an Art Insta and a YouTube channel. My handle is @borosemedia.