I want to suggest a feature that will help a majority of artists that are dealing everyday with color.
I hope you can add this to your list. It's a Luminosity lock which is short for value and saturation lock. When we pick a color on the wheel or on the box and change the hue, the value and saturation will remain the same if the luminosity lock is on. I only saw this in Infinite painter.
This is so useful as we can experiment with different tints and shades on a surface without breaking the value and saturation, making it look very cohesive and unified but still very vibrant because of hue shifts.
Here's a pic of the luminosity lock in another program.
As you can see, I changed the hue 3 times but the color picker circle, did not stay on the same place when the luminosity lock is on. This is because different colors have higher saturation and value when on the same position of the color picker. So to respect the value and satu, the color picker tried to detect the same parameters on different hues. I hope Im not overrepeating things. Thank you for reading!