Author Topic: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock  (Read 15450 times)


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I want to suggest a feature that will help a majority of artists that are dealing everyday with color.

I hope you can add this to your list. It's a Luminosity lock which is short for value and saturation lock. When we pick a color on the wheel or on the box and change the hue, the value and saturation will remain the same if the luminosity lock is on. I only saw this in Infinite painter.

This is so useful as we can experiment with different tints and shades on a surface without breaking the value and saturation, making it look very cohesive and unified but still very vibrant because of hue shifts.

Here's a pic of the luminosity lock in another program.

As you can see, I changed the hue 3 times but the color picker circle, did not stay on the same place when the luminosity lock is on. This is because different colors have higher saturation and value when on the same position of the color picker. So to respect the value and satu, the color picker tried to detect the same parameters on different hues. I hope Im not overrepeating things. Thank you for reading!


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #1 on: August 26, 2020, 04:30:34 AM

Very very very useful :)

Mike Bluestone

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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #2 on: August 29, 2020, 03:28:42 AM
I agree. Extremely useful, and it's already an option for the Hue Jitter in the brushes


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #3 on: August 29, 2020, 08:50:07 AM
It is useful. As we can create hue shifts fairly easily. As we know, the skin for example doesnt only contain peach or light orange tones but also greens and blues and reds. Having to apply different colors on one object without destroying the value makes it very alive and interesting as it is not static in color but vibrant and moving the eye. Please Lucky Clan. Consider our request.


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #4 on: August 30, 2020, 11:48:20 AM
+1, great idea / tool to have.

Lucky Clan

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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #5 on: September 19, 2020, 02:12:19 PM
Thanks for this. It is easy to implement - we already have "Preserve Luminosity" switch in Brush Editor > Jitter.
But how to make it in UI? Switch? State button?


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #6 on: September 20, 2020, 04:04:18 AM
Wow thanks for noticing 😍

I have here pics of what I have in mind. On the pic, the Hue slider will have this button wherein you can press it to turn the value and saturation lock on. So when that is on, even when you change the hue, the val and sat remain the same. The picker inside the circle will move around though as the hue changes.  :D


there can be a lock icon anywhere on the color picker panel that users can press. A switch is good too. As long as the button or switch is present in the color panel then i think its good since it can always be accessible that way. Thank you again for replying. ;D

The photo wont attach for some reason. It's always an error. So I uploaded it to my drive. Heres the pic.
Last Edit: September 20, 2020, 04:31:29 AM by hervampire32


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #7 on: April 11, 2021, 10:22:24 AM
I’d like to revive this topic. It would be amazing to have this feature in Artstudio Pro for iPad. It’s already there in the brush settings, so please please please reconsider implementing it in the hsb color shifter. It would allow me to pick another color while maintaining value - making sure I don’t mess with contrasts while working. It would make my life so much easier to have this.

Here’s a short video on this feature made in Photoshop with the Coolorus Plugin.


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #8 on: April 11, 2021, 10:24:43 AM
Oh and the way I see it, it’s not actually a saturation lock as saturation affects value. Luminosity lock adjusts the saturation while shifting color so that the value is maintained. Just to clarify, I think the OG title of this thread is misleading.


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #9 on: April 11, 2021, 10:37:44 AM
Hey Lucky Clan, I’m also a user of Infinite Painter. Take a look at their implementation of the luminosity lock. It’s a toggle on the wheel itself. You press it and if you click on the hue on the causes the inner hockey puck to move to the correct value of the new color without changing the hue. Really cool. case you were wondering before Borodante switched over to Photoshop full time he also requested this feature should be implemented. My suggestion shouldn’t be too hard to include...and I also think this needs to be done for the next MINOR release. Don’t you think?


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #10 on: April 11, 2021, 05:37:17 PM
This would be a very nice feature for the color picker. The "Magic Picker" plugin for photoshop has a nice implementation, its called Tone Lock. It's a simple toggle button on the color panel to activate it. Here's a video that explains the feature and shows it in action in Magic Picker, for reference.


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #11 on: April 11, 2021, 05:42:24 PM
An interesting detail in both the magic picker and infinite painter implementations is that when you change the hue, it actually does adjust both saturation and value to maintain the "perceptual" value. You can see that is happening because the reticle in the saturation/value square auto-moves on both axes. (it can be seen happening in the vid I linked.)
Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 02:01:19 PM by mattnava


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #12 on: April 12, 2021, 02:18:07 AM
An interesting detail in both the magic picker and infinite painter implementations is that when you change the hue, it actually does adjust both saturation and value to maintain the "perceptual" value. You can see that is happening because the reticle in the hue/value square auto-moves on both axes. (it can be seen happening in the vid I linked.)

Wouldn’t that mean when you turn the image to black and white, the values are still different? Bc the whole point of the luminosity lock, in contrast to what you described, is to keep the exact same value while shifting hues. That is to take chroma into account while painting, so you don’t mess with your contrasts. In the video you posted it looks like the values don’t actually stay the same, although I didn’t quite understand what the toggle does exactly from how it was explained. But I think the effect wouldn’t be the same, making it a different feature?

Lucky Clan

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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #13 on: April 12, 2021, 11:16:14 AM
Ok, thanks for refreshing that. We will give it a high priority.


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Re: Suggestion: Luminosity lock / Value and Saturation Lock
Reply #14 on: April 12, 2021, 11:47:03 AM
Thank you so, so much! I'm really excited for this :)