Author Topic: IDEAS - macOS and  (Read 2540 times)


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IDEAS - macOS and
on: August 31, 2019, 02:45:08 AM
  • Split iOS and macOS suggestions, ideas and bugs on the forum. So it's easier to search and find what you're looking for.
  • Change the reCAPTCHA to something simpler. For a simple reply on the forum it takes me a minute to write the text and 5 minutes to solve these g**damn reCAPTCHA things
  • Change on this info: The most powerful painting and photo editing app available for both iOS and macOS, to something like this: The most powerful painting and photo editing app available for iOS. Because the mac version is more expensive but it looks like there's no enhancement in development. It doesn't feel powerfull at all.
  • Put the UI in HD resolution instead the low resolution it is now
  • Let me change the place of the dockers, tool bar etc. Make it all more customizable. I would love to jump from iOS to macOS with Artstudio but the desktop version is so painfull to use.
  • Let me change the hotkeys
  • Put a hotkey in it to let me change the brush size. Not with the brackets, but a simple for example SHIFT key will do. I'll use my pen to adjust the size.
  • Better layout and navigation adjustments. Thumbnail for brushes, scroll with pen (in Krita they called it Kinetic Scrolling, remove the open file bar on top of the display or put a option in it that let's me remove it.
  • A full display (TAB) option would be nice. Artstudio is so powerfull, it doesn't have it right now.

I don't want to bash you guys, sorry if it looks like it. It feels really frustrating after switching from iOS to macOS and i'm noticing I can't even pick the right color. Not the mentiond the other cr*p I have to deal with. But now it's mentioned :)

iOS app is great! Kudos. Thanks for family sharing in the app store. When you make it truly powerfull, i'll buy the macOS version 2.

Lucky Clan

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Re: IDEAS - macOS and
Reply #1 on: September 02, 2019, 08:32:45 AM
reCaptcha - we need that so spammer will not kill this forum. My advice is using Chrome browser, it will keep captcha calm.

UI in Mac version is in HD resolution.

Hotkeys - you can change keyboard shortcuts on Mac using system Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts

Other improvements will be considered in the future.


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Re: IDEAS - macOS and
Reply #2 on: September 02, 2019, 09:20:14 AM
The're other ways to implement a captcha. reCaptcha is a Google service so you're probably right Chrome will work great with it. No problem, I'll just grind my teeth the times I'm using this forum and it isn't a big deal really.

Is it possible the UI automatically scales? Don't know how to explain this... The UI can be blurry, like out of focus or in low resolution. Just opent the macOS app it looks much sharper than last time. I'll make shots of it next time it happens.

It's much easier and logical to have the app hotkey change thing in the app itself right? There's no overview in the way you're suggesting how to change the keys.

Which improvements are you guys considering? What are improvements for luckyclan? The iOS app is quite advanced, the macOS app is prehistorical so I think the main focus is on iOS and you guys don't have any intention to scale the macOS version to the same level as iOS. Waiting for Catalyst? Claiming the macOS version is powerful just doesn't feels right.