Author Topic: Introduce yourself  (Read 82904 times)


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #15 on: January 19, 2018, 02:31:45 PM
Hello. I've used ArtStudio IOS for a couple years now and am happy to see a Mac OS version. I want something to replace Sketchbook Pro, since I don't like having to pay a yearly lease rate even if nothing is new in the software. I am all for software developers making a living, but I would like to have the choice of upgrading and owning the software.
So far, I love what has happen with ArtStudio Pro. Keep up the good work.
iMac 27 3.1 GHz 32 GB DDR 4 Mac OS  Monterey 12.6, XP-Pen 24 Pro, ArtStudioPro latest version

Lucky Clan

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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #16 on: January 24, 2018, 11:41:47 AM
Hello. We are not going to switch to subscription model.


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #17 on: February 23, 2018, 11:03:09 AM
I’ve been using ArtStudio for a number of years but just for manipukation and editing. This last upgrade brought it to another whole level and is now my go to app for all things ipad digital. Great Job!!


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #18 on: April 08, 2018, 08:54:51 AM
Hi All
I  have been using Art Studio for a long time and always loved it. I have had the pleasure of being a beta tester with Sylwester and crew and can genuinely say that Art Studio Pro in my opinion is the best art app available for the ipad series. It just gets better and better with every update, please keep up the great work guys.


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #19 on: August 12, 2018, 02:23:35 AM
Hello all,
 I am a digital art hobbyist and have been drawing/painting since early 2016 after seeing a David Hockney exhibition.   After having used Procreate and Artrage I have recently taken to use ArtStudioPro (mainly with the wet oil brushes).  I am trying to develop a “painterly” style more in common with traditional art than is normal with digital art.
With ArtStudioPro I particularly like the way I can easily move between the Mac and the iPad Pro.
Phil (oldlofty)
Phil - digital art hobbyist


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #20 on: August 17, 2018, 11:01:45 AM
Hi! I’m Stormy and was finally able to purchase ASP last night! I consider myself as a hobbyist although I have done commission work in the past. I use to use PaintShop Pro (poor mans PS) on windows many years before there were even iPads. I’m excited and loving the fact that ASP is SOOOOOOOO much like PS and PSP!! I’ve really missed the features those 2 desktop art programs had!


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #21 on: September 23, 2018, 03:33:31 AM
I'm Todd from Wisconsin Rapids, WI.  I've been drawing with pens and pencils my whole life and for the past decade have been working digitally.  I've used Photoshop and Corel Painter pretty exclusively for many years on my Wacom tablets, but have recently been getting more into working on my Ipad Pro now that the illustration apps have caught up to their desktop counterparts.  For the longest time I was begging Corel to release a full Painter version on the Ipad pro, since Procreate and Paintstorm (both very good, but still didn't feel just right) weren't entirely cutting it for me.  And along came Artstudio Pro; streamlined, responsive, and does everything I could want from it.  I'm hooked.  My poor Cintiqs are starting to gather dust.

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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #22 on: October 06, 2018, 09:45:21 AM
Hi, I’m Andy from Sydney Australia and I’ve worked in the film and TV industry for the past 16 years as a Concept Artist/matte painter/3D animator.
I use all the industry standard tools like Maya, Zbrush, Nuke and most of the Adobe products. Over the past year I heard about and started using Affinity Photo. It was talked about being the next best thing to Photoshop. So I went out and bought an iPad and Affinity so I could sketch on the go. I stayed with Serif’s Affinity Photo hoping that they would fix their on going bugs and mediocre brush engine. That didn’t happen. So I decided to tried ArtRage and Procreate, they didn’t make the cut either. Then a friend put me onto Artstudio just a couple of weeks ago.
I was instantly hooked by how close it was to Photoshop. I was actually blown away that there was an app that was the same as PS but with extra cool features in it, all on an iPad.
My library of brushes translated across which made me feel like I didn’t have to change the way I worked.
Im sold, so goodby Affinity Photo for ever.

Here’s some of my quick sketches if you’re interested.
Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 06:02:48 PM by Andych56


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #23 on: January 12, 2019, 08:33:23 PM
Hi All,

I'm Disney. Discovered the new version of Artstudio Pro on iPad during December holidays last year and I'm glad that I did.

You can follow me on Instagram (disneypatterson).

Great features. I was looking for an app with non-destructive adjustment layers and Artstudio Pro opened a door into new creative journies. The brush engine is amazing. And oh yes I'm able to use brushes from my favourite artists. Wet paint mode is so valuable.

Keep up the good work.


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #24 on: January 26, 2019, 08:52:00 PM
Hi,  While I am proficient in Photoshop formyphotography, this is my first attempt at doing my art work digitally.  I’ve been an artist my whole life, my profession has  been in stained glass.  I’ve been asked to design some t-shirts, so I though I’d try designing on my iPad rather than doing I on paper.  I have a lot to learn, but I’ll get there!  I’m sure I’ll be turning to everyone for help from time to time and I hope to get good enough at it so that I will be able to give back and help someone else eventually.


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #25 on: December 16, 2019, 08:20:33 AM
Hi! My name is Andreas Raninger and I have been using Artstudio Pro for a couple of months. I'm working with mainly book covers in Sweden. Keep up the good work. I've been app-jumping a lot until I tried out this one. Mean and clean. Just the way I wanted.  :)


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #26 on: November 15, 2020, 04:12:35 AM
Hi my name is Miroslaw,
I’m using Art Studio Pro since last year got to buy iPad for a job I was offered. I was looking at different iOS apps, tried most of them, used some, but enjoy ASP the most.
I live in London where I work for advertising industry drawing storyboards. I also do comic books published in Poland and my recent one in France as Miras.
Recently I used ASP to paint a cover for the second volume of our comic. Honestly I find it more convenient and comfortable to work in than Photoshop. I moved my design to Photoshop only because I could work on bigger screen than tiny iPad.
Art Studio is the best painting/drawing application around. Keep up good work!


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #27 on: December 08, 2020, 07:00:29 PM
Hello  My name is Brian I have been a digital production artist for the advertising industry since 2001. I've earned my associates degree in commercial art and major in illustration at the American Academy of Art College Chicago.

I have found art studio pro in the Apple store and I am impressed with all the features and brushes.

My gear includes a Wacom one display tablet. 2017 iMac and a Wacom express key remote.

I'd like to learn more about painting through these Forums.If there's anything else you'd like to know about me please reply.


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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #28 on: January 20, 2021, 03:41:55 AM
Hello, my name is Joel, from Mexico. New to drawing and to ArtStudio Pro.. so far I love the app. Is there a Facebook group for users?

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Re: Introduce yourself
Reply #29 on: January 20, 2021, 04:14:45 AM
Hello, my name is Joel, from Mexico. New to drawing and to ArtStudio Pro.. so far I love the app. Is there a Facebook group for users?

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