Author Topic: Is it possible to copy groups without them being merged together?  (Read 4871 times)


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I recently learned you can’t copy and paste groups for some odd reason. There’s no options to turn this feature off and it affects even other programs. Just the other day I tried copying folder in csp only for it to come out merged into one layer.

I was wondering if there’s a workaround with this issue since during it the old way is quite tedious.


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Re: Is it possible to copy groups without them being merged together?
Reply #1 on: December 16, 2023, 09:47:27 AM
Select the group.  At the bottom of the Layers bar there's a light button with a dark + to the right of the dark button with the light + (New Layer).  The dark + button brings up a menu where there's an option called Duplicate Group.  That's what you want.