Author Topic: Ideas: menu improvement & other opinions  (Read 2597 times)


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Ideas: menu improvement & other opinions
on: May 15, 2018, 10:20:49 AM

I was searching for some app similar to PhotoShop over a year. Yesterday I found Artstudio and chose it between Paintstorm.
Got sold by unlimited layers and 64Mpix canvas which I missed in Procreate.

Now I'm not 100% happy from how app works. And first and most important - there should be identical, try out, free version with zero option to save, just to try app. I mean, I hate making decisions based on photos and short videos.
I know you have Artstudio Lite, but that's completely different app.

Anyway things I miss the most or are made flow breaking way (order of importance is random):

1. Flip canvas (as view). Very important to know if everything is ok with drawing. Just view, so it's quick. There is option in image menu, but it's burried there and it's slow. I need easy to access button on left menu to do it seamlessly.
Mentioned in couple topics so I know you will work on it.

2. Brush shape setting as in PS. I checked brush setting and couldn't find way to change shape of brush.

3. Undo/Redo buttons are in weird place. In normal mode they're at the bottom of right menu. In full screen at top of left side.
I personally prefer them on left hand, but full screen mode lack menus and its top banner is inconvenient to use.
Current placement forces to use mostly one hand and it's drawing one to change things.
If important hand tools would be on left and stylus tools on right, then it would make it better.

Also I know there are gestures, but I hate them. They break flow of work. Other than pitch to rotate/zoom, I prefer old fashioned buttons.

4. If I exit file with visible selection, program keeps selection upon next opening. Not sure if intended, but weird and slows loading file.

So yeah. Great app, great possibilites. Looking forward to v1.3 from what I've read on forum.

TL;DR: flip canvas button, better access to undo/redo, brush shape, selection saving.

Lucky Clan

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Re: Ideas: menu improvement & other opinions
Reply #1 on: May 16, 2018, 03:25:26 AM
Thanks for your seuggestions.

Flip canvas - it will be added in the next big update (version 1.3)
Brush shape - we have such option: Brush Editor>Stamp>Squeeze
Undo/redo - version 1.3 will add left hand mode which will swap left and right toolbars, you can use it to get undo/redo on the left size.
Selection saving - i know some apps don't save this. As selection is a 1-channel data it doesn't take too much time. I will consider adding option to disable selection saving...