Generative tools / AI are not planned. However you should know that current Edit > Inpaint is a very basic of generative fill - the difference is that it is searching for content in current image only, and AI generative fill is searching in mulitple images...
Draggable panels - of course we want to keep option to add custom tools, and we will have to make panels not only draggable, but also resizable. Panel system will be extended for new artstudio. And resizing option is on the first place of planned improvements.
Using groups as clipping mask - it is rather not possible to make such option directly because there would be unexpected results for Group using "Passthrough" blending mode. Besides we don't want to break PS compatibility. The plan is implementing "Smart Object" option, so you can convert group to smart object and then use it as Clipping Mask. Smart Object doesn't support "Passthrough" blending, it is treated rather like normal Layer with option to edit it content.
We want to work on all changes together to save time - i mean the big update will have both new UI, new engine and new features.
One more thing we want to change is the file system. Now we use iCloud Documents (like Pages / Numbers). Unfortunately it has very old system bug and sometimes you can see "Saving Problem" alert, mainly when working on large files. I reported that to Apple, but it was ignored. I'm sure the bug comes from system because i can easily repeat it in Pages / Numbers, i even repeated the during live conversation with Apple, with iPad screen sharing. Of course the only advice I had was "please reported the bug in our bug reporting tool -". I did that on March 2023 and have never receive any feedback. I'm not sure if anybody from Apple has ever read it...
So the only solution is to resign from iCloud Document and implement custom gallery, probably with option to synchronize using CloudKit. Documents will be stored on local disk, and will not be visible in Files anymore.
The open problem is how to make a transition from iCloud Documents to custom gallery... Maybe we will have to release new version as a separate app however i'm not sure if it is possible to keep full version for users who have already bought Artstudio Pro.
Of course, I only mean the kind of gen AI that generates entire images (and videos, stories, songs, etc.) for you and takes out all of the creativity/skill needed.
Alright, understandable. Thanks for explaining everything!
And that's great to hear, that everything will be released together, makes me even more excited for the big update!😁
And yes, I remember when the saving bug first appeared, lost hours of work and it happened constantly. Some of the workarounds you released made it more manageable, but yea, it still happens sometimes and so I made it a habit to duplicate my files regularly and just got used to working with this bug.
So I'm actually very happy rn, that you're planning on making a custom gallery again!!🥹 So you're not having to rely on Apple for bugs like these anymore.
Unfortunately I don't know enough about programming an app to give any ideas about how to best go about transfering the files to the custom gallery.🤔 But if it's really that big of a change like it was in the past from Artstudio Legacy to Artstudio Pro, maybe an entire new app is the way to go? Idk though, cause I can also imagine that a lot of existing users wouldn't appreciate that😬 Hopefully you can figure it out somehow.