Author Topic: App instability  (Read 4527 times)


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App instability
on: May 19, 2023, 09:13:11 PM
Hi! Recently there’s been a good chunk of crashes and other stability issues for me. I’ve been trying to track down when or what makes them occur, but I’m mostly posting to see if anyone else is having the issue (and for awareness)

About twice in the past week I’ve lost hours worth of progress because the app crashed without auto saving. I’ve been trying to save manually to minimize errors lately. My hardware is the 2021 iPad Pro 12.9 with 16GB RAM

Today I had an issue crop up where I was no longer able to use the undo function. Most functions in the menus were grayed out (including save) and I couldn’t continue work until exiting the app entirely and reopening it. This particular lock happened after setting my canvas to the ref window, but I haven’t replicated it


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Re: App instability
Reply #1 on: May 20, 2023, 07:43:54 AM
This is actually a system error on Apples side that was introduced with the 16.4 iPadOS update.

I've been trying for the past month to solve this issue together with the developer via hundreds of emails and differnt approaches, but unfortunately there is just no way to fix this. It happens only on bigger documents.

In the recent Beta (that propably will soon be on AppStore) there will be error messages that pop up whenever this occurs, so you now at least to immediately copy layers to a different document and to restart the app, to avoid losing progress. Also changing the default saving location from "iCloud Drive" to "On my iPad" in ipad Settings > Artstudio Pro and to save new Files in Files > On my iPad > Artstudio Pro , can minimize how often it happens, and how much work you lose. It will also get rid of lags, incase you experience those as well (But only new files will be saved there, for existing files you need to move them manually). You can still upload the files to iCloud manually after you finished painting. Saving manually instead of autosave won't make a difference unfortunately.

The same kind of issue is also occurring in the Pages and Numbers app from apple. The only thing we can do is trying to make Apple aware of this bug... The ASP developer has opened a thread on Apple discussion, you can reply to and you could use the Apple feedback assistant to report this.

I know this is very annoying, I've also lost hours of work due to this becaue my documents are alway pretty big. But for now all we can do is to hope for Apple to fix it soon...
Last Edit: May 20, 2023, 07:53:28 AM by icezimy

Lucky Clan

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Re: App instability
Reply #2 on: May 20, 2023, 01:19:34 PM
Unfortunately it is a system bug in iOS/iPadOS, which can happen in many other apps, like Pages, Numbers etc.
We reported the bug to apple, and send them video with all steps to reproduce it.

We will also soon publish a new update which doesn't fix this but displays an error message and doesn't grey out the top menu.

We hope Apple will fix it soon.

ps. Please reply to this post if possible:
This will increase the chance to be fixed by apple.
Last Edit: May 20, 2023, 01:21:32 PM by Lucky Clan


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Re: App instability
Reply #3 on: May 20, 2023, 11:50:49 PM
Thank you both for the replies and suggestions, I’ll try saving my files outside of iCloud as well as manually saving to mitigate issues until Apple hopefully fixes this

Lucky Clan

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Re: App instability
Reply #4 on: May 23, 2023, 05:39:16 AM

Please also reply to this post, it is very important:

Thank you both for the replies and suggestions, I’ll try saving my files outside of iCloud as well as manually saving to mitigate issues until Apple hopefully fixes this


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Re: App instability
Reply #5 on: May 26, 2023, 11:21:30 AM
I found if I duplicate the file, I can save the newly created copy.