Hi Lucky Clan! I have several suggestions regarding how Mask work and being presented in the UI.
The thing I absolutely love about Artstudio Pro's implementation of Mask layer is that you could stack multiple Masks, which is pretty unique to this app. This would enable a more non-destructive approach to masking which is missing from most of other programs.
The experience of adding masks is also wonderful where the first mask you make would treat eraser as a "black-colored brush" effectively erasing the target layer, but the next ones would be treated as a common layer where you could erase the part you don't want to use, and manually add "black-colored brush" to "erase" the lower part. This is just a great design and I believe there'd be more mask interaction possibilities in the future!
However in my humble opinion, I have encountered several things that makes it rather challenging to use Mask in Artstudio Pro in its current implementation. Here are some of them.
1. A rather "less-tidy" UI.
On the image above it is shown that the combination of clipping mask icon, mask icon, and the uneven indentation makes it rather challenging to see which layer actually clips to which. Or which mask actually affects which. This is getting even worse if it's inside a group that is inside another group.
With that in mind, here's my proposal of a solution so that the layers looks tidier, and more intuitive to see.

As shown above, now the mask layer uses the same column position with the target layer it is masking. I also reserved the left side of the layer just for the clipping mask icon. This declutter the view of the UI and makes it easier to actually see which column does a layer resides in.
I also reserved the right side of the layer to show the Mask icon. It also makes it easier to glance which layers are actually mask layers. It is easier to see since you don't have to think much about it.
"How about layer locking then? Isn't it on the right side as well?"Yeps!
And here's my proposed solution for the locking icon. I made it smaller and put it on the left side of the mask icon. I think it looks quite nice and also functional at the same time.

In conclusion, above solution could provide:
- clearer column view, which makes it easier to see which layer clips to what layer.
- distinct placement of icon, which makes it easier to see which one is a mask, and which one is a clipping mask.
2. Less Intuitive Color to Opacity in Mask LayersI think this is a pretty small additional feature I'd like to request. Right now, you could use a colored layer as a mask. This is fine, since you could use it as a regular layer later if you wish to. But on the thumbnail, it makes it rather challenging to actually imagine the color as black and white. For example, say, I use yellow color as a mask. It is quite challenging for me to know which grayscale opacity the yellow color actually being read as.
My solution for this is to simply show the thumbnail of a mask as a grayscale version of the layer. I believe this would make it easier to see which opacity the color actually stands for.

In conclusion, above solution could provide:
- More intuitive which "opacity" it is rather than guessing which color translates to which opacity.
3. Mask SelectionThis is an additional feature that I believe would be immensely helpful to indicate which layer masks actually affects this current active layer.

As shown above, it now highlights all layers that's affected by the Mask. I think this solution makes sense since a layer mask is inseparable with the target layer. So as such, it should be treated, shown, and considered as one group of layers that acts as one. And with this, it is way easier to, at a glance, indicate those interconnecting layers.
I also believe it is quite important if the
target layer is being
moved or reordered, that the layer masks to also
move along or reordered with the target layer.
Right now, if you have a few layer masks, if you move the target layer, the masks would just stay there. It makes it quite cumbersome to use masks, since if you do use them, you have to always multiple select those masks if you want to move your layer. It is quite a shame since the masking system is already very robust in Artstudio Pro.
Imagine you already spent half an hour to mask a challenging area like hair, with several mask layers so that you can do it in a non-destructive way and come back to it later. Only to find out that now, you have to always use multiple select whenever you want to move that hair layer, or reorder the layer. If you don't then only the hair layer would move, and the mask wouldn't. Which defeats the purpose of using mask to make your life easier.
That is why I suggest that
Layer Mask always moves and reorders along with the Target Layer, if the Target Layer is being moved.
"But what if I don't want the layer to move along with the target layer? What if I want it to act independent positionally?"I suggest to also add this option in the layer option menu. It's on by default, but you can disable it if you want to. If it is disabled, the layer now doesn't follow the movement of the target layer.
But it's still reorders along with target layer.
"What if you want to only move the mask layer or reorder the mask layer?"then you simply select
The particular Mask Layer (not the target layer) and then move/reorders it.
I believe this is pretty intuitive, yet also easy to use. It now encourages you more to actually use the layer mask feature in a more non-destructive way.
In conclusion, above solution could provide:
- Easier way to Manage Masks without having to multi-select every single time.
- More intuitive UI that indicates which layers actually affects and being affected by the mask layer.
4. Additional UI Polish to add intuitiveness
Having Only the corner shows on the outside part of mask-affected layers helps to indicate which layer belongs in which mask group. I think this is quite nice to show in a glance which mask affects which layer! And which mask belongs to what group.
I love how Artstudio Pro enables you to use multiple stacked masks. I believe having these features would help the system to be more intuitive and easier to use.
Thank you so much! ✨✨