Author Topic: Mixer Brush Settings  (Read 3678 times)


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Mixer Brush Settings
on: March 08, 2023, 11:35:44 AM
I tried to research this, but I just couldn't find it. Is there a setting to get something like the mixer brush in Photoshop (so basically to manipulate the colors on a layer while also adding color) for Artstudio on iPad?

I feel like everything I try is only adding color onto the layer, it's never interacting with the colors already on the layer (unless I use smudge tools of course).

Attached a gif to show what Photoshop mixer brush does: I can 'move around' the paint that's underneath.

Is it already somewhere in the Wetness Settings of brushes maybe? I can't find it... This + the pigment feature would just be superb!
Last Edit: March 08, 2023, 11:37:15 AM by Shex


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Re: Mixer Brush Settings
Reply #1 on: March 08, 2023, 03:15:15 PM
Any of the brushes in "Digital Painting" group of the brush editor should blend well. Make sure they are set to defaults, and don't press too hard where you want it to blend. Pressure can be tweaked in the dynamics section...

In your example, it looks like the paint lines are on a transparent layer so make sure that 'Blend Transparency' is set to 'Full' in Wetness settings, as paint will not blend with a layers transparency unless it is on (weak and add work too, just differently than full).

And, it works great with pigment!


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Re: Mixer Brush Settings
Reply #2 on: March 09, 2023, 06:08:06 AM
Thanks a lot!
I did try the digital painting brushes because I also had in mind that, especially the Digital Round, did exactly that, but none of them interact with the paint underneath at all. Maybe that is a bug then?

I did try your recommended settings on a different brush though, incase someone wants the same thing, these are the settings I'm using for a brush now:

Flow 50%

Blend Transparency: Add
Mix Rate: 3
Blur Radius: Flat
Flat Hotspot: 80%

Wetness: 70%
Constant Paint: 6% (and this has the biggest influence on the outcome xD )

Autoclean and Auto Load off

Resetting brushes helped as well. Weird! But problem = solved, thanks again, fjg!
Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 06:17:55 AM by Shex


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Re: Mixer Brush Settings
Reply #3 on: March 09, 2023, 12:07:37 PM
Hey glad it worked out!
I've noticed that when you set constant paint that low it can be difficult to get the full color that is set in the color wheel. A solution might be to raise the Constant Paint value higher (maybe even 100 depending on what your goal is) and then use the paint Dynamics to control how much paint is applied.

So (as far as I can tell), the 'Paint' parameter in the Dynamics settings is connected to the 'Constant Paint' value in Wetness settings. You can set this to be modified by pressure, tilt, etc. Of course, this may not be what you're looking for in that particular brush, but it's good to be aware of.