Author Topic: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA  (Read 19729 times)

Lucky Clan

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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #45 on: March 10, 2023, 03:01:26 AM
Well, ideally there should be 3 options:
1. Set Pigment layer blending
2. Set Pigment tool blending
3. Turn on/off Pigment mode (like Pigment button in Layers panel)

We will consider adding option 3.

Hi ! I'm adding this here instead of starting a new thread.  :)
First and foremost, the pigment color mixing is amazing. I had been waiting years for a good implementation of a realistic color mixing in digital. You guys nail it.
Now to the request :)
Can we have the option of the pigment button in que Quick Menu?
Idealy there will be 2 options. The brush pigment button and the one in the layers panel.
That’s it.
Thanks for reading and for making ArtStudio :)
Cheers !


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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #46 on: March 10, 2023, 02:56:36 PM
Well, ideally there should be 3 options:
1. Set Pigment layer blending
2. Set Pigment tool blending
3. Turn on/off Pigment mode (like Pigment button in Layers panel)

We will consider adding option 3.

Hi ! I'm adding this here instead of starting a new thread.  :)
First and foremost, the pigment color mixing is amazing. I had been waiting years for a good implementation of a realistic color mixing in digital. You guys nail it.
Now to the request :)
Can we have the option of the pigment button in que Quick Menu?
Idealy there will be 2 options. The brush pigment button and the one in the layers panel.
That’s it.
Thanks for reading and for making ArtStudio :)
Cheers !

Great !  :)
Thanks  !!!


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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #47 on: March 14, 2023, 02:13:43 PM
The pigment mixing is affecting locked layers. I like to work with a "toned" layer underneath the painting layers, but I don't want to affect that layer, so I put all three locks on and the pigment mixing is still affected by the locked layer.

Is there a way to avoid this?


Lucky Clan

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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #48 on: March 15, 2023, 06:03:33 AM
Please test it in version 5.1.5.

If it is still wrong please send me the document in which i can reproduce this issue.

The pigment mixing is affecting locked layers. I like to work with a "toned" layer underneath the painting layers, but I don't want to affect that layer, so I put all three locks on and the pigment mixing is still affected by the locked layer.

Is there a way to avoid this?



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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #49 on: March 15, 2023, 10:43:30 AM
It works if the the brush is set to Pigment and the layer is set to normal. If the Layer is set to Pigment, then it still mixes with the locked layer.


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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #50 on: March 15, 2023, 06:35:35 PM
Please send me a document where i can reproduce this issue.
[email protected]


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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #51 on: March 17, 2023, 10:13:28 AM
smudge interaction with pigment layers is pretty bad right now
pictured is the smudge over a single color sampling current layer only (layer set to pigment)


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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #52 on: March 18, 2023, 06:50:06 AM
smudge interaction with pigment layers is pretty bad right now
pictured is the smudge over a single color sampling current layer only (layer set to pigment)
Tried using some of the pigment group brushes that are included in the update? If it still looks bad then is an app issue; if it looks good, its a brush issue, a lot of my custom brushes look bad and require some fixing on my end because they dont blend as well in this new mode, but is not an app issue, they were just not configured properly for this mode.
Telling you this because the smudging of the pigment group brushes look REALLY good, my fav is "pigment block smudge", if it works for you try checking the differences in configuration of your brush and the one that worked for you from the pigment group.
Hope it helps ^^U


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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #53 on: March 21, 2023, 12:51:30 PM
A basic smudge brush darkening a solid colour for literally no reason is entirely an app issue, and the pigment group smudge brushes exhibit the same behaviour because again, the fundamental interaction between the smudge tool and pigment layer is really bad
The engine has a lot of issues even outside the context, and I made multiple threads reporting these
Last Edit: March 21, 2023, 12:56:04 PM by barel


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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #54 on: March 21, 2023, 11:46:40 PM
A basic smudge brush darkening a solid colour for literally no reason is entirely an app issue, and the pigment group smudge brushes exhibit the same behaviour because again, the fundamental interaction between the smudge tool and pigment layer is really bad
The engine has a lot of issues even outside the context, and I made multiple threads reporting these
unless you give more info about brushes used, layers composition, etc.... it works perfectly fine for me

Lucky Clan

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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #55 on: March 22, 2023, 06:56:29 AM
There can be some issues when using Smudge in Pigment mode. That is because app has to constantly convert from RGB values to "pigment" values, there may happen some roundings that cause this issue.

Please give me an RGB value of the color where the issue is the most visible, and send be the brush you used (to [email protected]), i will check if it is possible to fix.
Last Edit: March 22, 2023, 07:06:42 AM by Lucky Clan


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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #56 on: March 22, 2023, 03:44:23 PM
It’s hard to say where it’s the most apparent, by it feels fleshy tones are the most obvious, try eac79d / 234 199 157
I’m getting the effect with almost every brush to varying degree, but it’s easily replicable with the default classic smudge in the smudging group, as seen in the image. The only thing I’ve done is set the layer to pigment and used the smudge on the same layer.
The only setting I’ve found to affect this is wetness at 100% minimising the effect drastically, probably because it doesn’t sample the darkened areas so it doesn’t snowball from there.

Edit: Not sure if this helps, but when used with pure white, the effect is clearly pushing towards red
Edit2: This is an issue with the smudge engine that I’ve noticed long before this update, but is really exacerbated in combination with the pigment mode. The last image shows the same default classic smudge brush used on a pure white layer and producing a similar artefact without using the pigment mode, but much more subdued, lacking the reed tint, and requiring overworking the area more, so the issue likely doesn’t actually lie in the pigment mode itself.
Last Edit: March 22, 2023, 03:59:53 PM by barel

Lucky Clan

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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #57 on: March 23, 2023, 05:23:24 AM
I used "eac79d" color and Classic Smudge brush, and everything works fine.

It’s hard to say where it’s the most apparent, by it feels fleshy tones are the most obvious, try eac79d / 234 199 157
I’m getting the effect with almost every brush to varying degree, but it’s easily replicable with the default classic smudge in the smudging group, as seen in the image. The only thing I’ve done is set the layer to pigment and used the smudge on the same layer.
The only setting I’ve found to affect this is wetness at 100% minimising the effect drastically, probably because it doesn’t sample the darkened areas so it doesn’t snowball from there.

Edit: Not sure if this helps, but when used with pure white, the effect is clearly pushing towards red
Edit2: This is an issue with the smudge engine that I’ve noticed long before this update, but is really exacerbated in combination with the pigment mode. The last image shows the same default classic smudge brush used on a pure white layer and producing a similar artefact without using the pigment mode, but much more subdued, lacking the reed tint, and requiring overworking the area more, so the issue likely doesn’t actually lie in the pigment mode itself.


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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #58 on: March 23, 2023, 07:41:26 AM
I reinstalled the app, same thing.
I didn’t expect it to fix anything because I already reinstalled to get rid of the tool delay recently.
This is on a 2nd gen ipad pro 12.9”
here is a video showing a fresh install producing the same effect
Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 07:55:37 AM by barel

Lucky Clan

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Re: Natural pigment color mixing - BETA
Reply #59 on: March 23, 2023, 09:23:48 AM
It seems it happens on older iPads, i reproduced that on one iPad Pro from 2017. It is all ok on iPad Pro from 2018.
Older iPads have lower precision in GPU, and it causes this issue.
I'm afraid we cannot fix that, sorry.

I reinstalled the app, same thing.
I didn’t expect it to fix anything because I already reinstalled to get rid of the tool delay recently.
This is on a 2nd gen ipad pro 12.9”
here is a video showing a fresh install producing the same effect