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Topics - uncle808us

Pages: [1]
Help / Apple Pencil stops now and then?
on: June 17, 2021, 09:17:14 AM
I’m using an Apple Pencil and now and then it stops being a paint brush.(won’t paint)
 This happens when I touch the screen with my hand holding the brush.(right hand)
At the top of the canvas I get a notice ; alpha 00-00 or something close to that I don’t remember exactly.
After I touch the screen again with my finger the pencil returns to a brush and paints.
It was giving me the eye dropper tool, I turned that off.
Can you tell me what is happening?
Thank you.

Help / How do I group layers?
on: February 08, 2019, 09:09:39 AM
Is it possible to group layer?
If it is how is it done?
Thanks for reading and answering if you can.

Help / Draw polygon brush?
on: January 12, 2019, 04:34:23 PM
Hi: Is there a way to get smooth curved lines in the polygon drawing tool? (Brush) Bezier handles?

Will Art Studio ever open PDF files?

Pages: [1]