ArtStudio Pro - OS X version 1.0.5 (83)
Early thoughts...
i) Option to hide icon for active tool (retaining size/location cursor) would be useful.
ii) Bucket Fill: if text-entry made (opacity, tolerance), cannot release cursor (e.g for Shortcut keys). (Similarly - Layer Opacity).
iii) Cmd+H and Q keys would be very useful for show/hide selection marquee/quickmask. (With UnHide as default for new; e.g Cmd+A needs to have visible effect).
iv) Clone Tool: (Align mode) Would be useful if, after brushing first portion, the Source Cross-Cursor moved along with the CloneBrush itself to continually show the current Source pickup position. (At present, that only changes after next brushing is begun).
v) File>Open Recent shows only asp files, not those previously exported as other formats.
vi) Rotate Canvas doesn't seem to work at all? ***EDIT: Sorry, I now see there is a switch to allow this in Prefs