Author Topic: Networked artist's collaboration with ASP  (Read 2857 times)


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Networked artist's collaboration with ASP
on: July 22, 2018, 05:29:49 PM
Not related to the existing program. It's rather a crazy idea, I'd like to bounce. I was always jelaouse of musician being able to play together. Artist's, however, never had that luxury. It's a solitary endeavor.

What I'm talking about is not another childish play like or There in no need to interrupt each other in real time. There is no need to allow anybody to destroy your stuff. This is how I imagine it:

1. Participating on the project are only the artists, who agree to work together. Preferably but not necessarily, they have to share skill level and type of art, styles, etc.

2. Each works on a separate layer. Each contribution doesn't destroy other people stuff. If you don't like what your colleague did, simply paint it over. You can simply then offer everybody else to turn layers off a day see the changes. If you want, you can "unlock" your layer to others.

3. The theme or idea can be stated in advance or it's a complete impromptu.

4. Network program has to be as powerful as ASP. There is no difference between desktop or mobile. Ideally, it has to be a networked version of the ASP. Or, better yet, the ASP with the network collaboration on or off.

5. Important! No need for the real time update or any of such burden. Everybody can take his/her time and post only when ready.

6. There has to be a sort of quick chat window attached to it.

Let me know your thoughts. I think this can be a total blast, which would make people more creative and you... richer.


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Re: Networked artist's collaboration with ASP
Reply #1 on: August 15, 2018, 07:29:35 AM
not to be rude but this is an entirely different challenge.... even PC has very limited tools that do this, and none of them are very complex. this is too much to ask for, when there isnt even a basic paintchat application on the app store yet


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Re: Networked artist's collaboration with ASP
Reply #2 on: August 16, 2018, 02:17:00 AM
iPad Pro is not any less equipped to do so than PC. In fact, I think, over time it'll become the main digital art tool (of course not for any commercial game, CGI or any high-end work). And ASP is the best program on mobile.

Yes,it's never been done with any degree of seriousness. But, hell, 90% of the things around I would never imagine doing 20 years ago. While it may not provide a valuable addition to some artists, it could be a big marketing boost for the app. Anyway, just a crazy idea.