Author Topic: Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)  (Read 5650 times)


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Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)
on: April 09, 2018, 12:38:26 PM
Hi, these are some bugs i found:
- After i end drawing a line, if i draw another one fast, sometimes (at random) i get the last line duplicated in the same spot, if i undo it removes the last drawn line and the duplicated one
- Not sure how this one happened but i was drawing using horizontal mirror and when i used undo with the 2 fingers gesture, after i place my palm on the screen and start drawing a line, i get the previous undo'ed lines back in the canvas, and if i undo that, it removes both things at the same same time (pretty similar to the other bug, maybe is a problem with gestures or palm rejection (?))
- When i use smoothing and i move my hand slowly, i get artifacts on what im drawing, on the other hand if im not using smoothing and im moving slowly, no artifacts appear Mmm after making my own inking brush, this problem is not happening, so maybe is a brush related issue (was using kyle's brushes)

Some feature requests/suggestions:
- Allow while in fullscreen mode set up any kind of shortcut, from shortcuts, to actions (like image > flip/rotate image > flip horizontal, this would be a really amazing shortcut to have)
- Allow a "erase instead of drawing" option/switch for the brushes, so instead of having to select the eraser, then select the brush to use, then tweak it to fit your current needs, then save the preset, then use it until you change your drawing brush a bit making you having to erase the eraser preset and start over with it... dunno, a single tap is all it needs in other apps like mediabang, clip paint studio, paintstorm, sketchclub... (this single feature is what is making me think about using this app all the time or just from time to time, its just so so so convinient having it)
- Make the "more..." menu accesible while on full screen, right now i have to exit full screen to access it, kinda breaks the flow
- A button to pin the brush editor so we can test the brushes without the panel closing would be helpful too :]

I know those 2 last suggestion may sound stupid, but they are real time savers, add the eraser brush option and ill be yours forever xD

Sorry about my english, hope everything is understanable enough n_nU
Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 01:06:17 PM by LCArt

Lucky Clan

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Re: Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)
Reply #1 on: April 09, 2018, 03:33:40 PM
Bugs - please send me a brush that you used when the problem appeared.

Fullscreen mode ideas - im going to only add possibility to configure tool icons.

Eraser instead drawing  - just set a brush in eraser tool. Or add a white Mask and draw with black color.

Pin brush editor - i already have similar idea on my todo list. I will think about it.


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Re: Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)
Reply #2 on: April 09, 2018, 08:05:50 PM
Fullscreen mode ideas - im going to only add possibility to configure tool icons.

Eraser instead drawing  - just set a brush in eraser tool. Or add a white Mask and draw with black color.

Allowing only tools there is a waste of potential, im not the only person asking for quick access to mirroring the canvas, its REALLY helpful having a shortcut for that and most, if not all other drawing apps i have on my ipad allows that with 1 button tap or even with a configurable gesture. Giving more options instead of forcing things is the way to go, ppl uses apps that makes their job easier, not harder, and having to tap 6 times instead of 2 is a flow breaker, at least for drawing. I wouldnt mind donating you to add these 2 things, the easier to access mirroring and the eraser toggle for the brush engine (with an easy access, like mediabang or clip paint studio does for example, is just one tap to a transparent color to activate that and another tap to turn it off)

Same for eraser, i dont think it would be that hard to implement and would make ppl happy, having to set up an extra brush per each brush you use to draw its just so annoying, and a mask is not the way of fixing this, now if you made reading the brushes inside of each group fast... i wouldnt mind, but changing groups takes from 5 second to 30 seconds, depending of the group im opening (using ipad pro 9.7). Not sure if the brush gallery is generating the previews for each brush everytime you change group (wouldnt it be better to cache the preview?) or if its loading all the options of all the brushes at the same time (wouldnt it be better to just load them on demand? to avoid the big waiting times? try adding the mega pack from kyle's brushes) Maybe add an option to make an on demand loading, when you tap the brush it gets loaded or make a cache or give us an option to hide the previews? i just need reading the name of the brush im going to use, the preview is just eye candy)

but hey, its your app, do as you wish, but dont expect 5 stars.

Ill attach the brush when i get home  Its the brush Kyle's Manga - smoothie and Kyle's Manga - razor (dont know if others too), you can get the brushes here ->

(sorry if i sound whiney, im not, i just want this app to be the best one out there)
Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 08:27:04 PM by LCArt

Lucky Clan

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Re: Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)
Reply #3 on: April 10, 2018, 05:00:14 AM
Bug when painting a rectangle has been fixed. It was happening when painting a rectangle/ellipse with brush that had 'Airbrush effect' enabled, like for example Razor brush from Kyle. Update will be available later today (version 1.2.1).

Shortcut to the most used options - i will consider a kind of "Quick menu" in the future.

Erase mode in Paint tool - i will consider that as well

Faster brush groups changing - i will try to do it asap. It is a bit faster in version 1.2 when you are opening group for a 2nd or next time, but still not as fast as it could be. However you should know that some abr files (for example few from Kyle's pack) are large, for example KYLEmegapack.abr has 360MB of compressed data! It must take time to load and parse them.


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Re: Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)
Reply #4 on: April 10, 2018, 02:22:22 PM
thanks for understanding <3 (im in love with the app n_n)


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Re: Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)
Reply #5 on: April 16, 2018, 06:55:09 AM
Don’t know why but ever since upgraded to v1.2, I lost all 3D Touch features (touch pressure does not affect result anymore). Has anyone else experienced this?

Lucky Clan

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Re: Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)
Reply #6 on: April 16, 2018, 07:43:38 AM
3D Touch pressure is now disabled by default. Unfortunately there is a bug in version 1.2+ and it is not possible to enable it.
Fixed version will be released today or tomorrow, sorry for inconvenience.


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Re: Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)
Reply #7 on: April 16, 2018, 07:49:10 AM
3D Touch pressure is now disabled by default. Unfortunately there is a bug in version 1.2+ and it is not possible to enable it.
Fixed version will be released today or tomorrow, sorry for inconvenience.

Lovely!  ;) thank you!


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Re: Some bugs and suggestion (v1.2)
Reply #8 on: April 18, 2018, 03:10:49 AM
just downloaded v1.2.2, and 3D Touch is working again.

Thank you! :)