Lots of views on this question, but no replies. However, I figured it out on my own…over much frustration and effort.
First, I was using the “Recents” tab in place of the Document Browser page. I didn’t even know there were two separate pages for that. They look almost identical. But, you cannot add a folder to the Recents page. You can add a folder to the Document Browser page.
You’ll find the Recents tab on the left hand side of the screen. But, you get to the Document Browser page, you need to click on “I Cloud Drive”. Also located on the left hand side of the screen.
When you’ve done that, look for the forward/backward arrows toward the top left of your screen. Click those until you get to a page with all your documents on it. See the image attached. The title of the page is Artstudio Pro.
You will se a file icon with a + at the top. Click that to create a folder. Then name it.
To add a document to it, find the document you wish to add and hold the icon until a menu drops down. From that menu, choose Move. Your new folder will show up. Click Move again and it will move to the folder.