Author Topic: Bug: Undo/Redo gestures dont update canvas when Animation Panel is open  (Read 3067 times)


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I noticed that using the two finger tap or three finger tap to undo/redo seems to do nothing when the Animation Panel is open. After looking deeper, I found that the undo buttons on the side of the interface, and the undo functions in the edit menu do work correctly when the Animation Panel is open. I then found that if you undo with the gestures and then zoom or move the canvas a little bit, it gets the canvas to refresh, and you can see the effects of your undo. So it appears that when the animation panel is open, if you use the tap gestures to undo or redo, the action happens, but the canvas does not refresh, and so you do not see the effects.
The tiny little image of the canvas in the animation panel actually displays the undo action correctly, even when using the gestures. If you close the animation Panel, the undo tap gestures function as expected and the canvas updates properly.

This is a pretty big hit to the workflow with the animation tools, hopefully its a quick and simple fix. This is in version 5.1.6 (925)
Last Edit: March 29, 2023, 02:02:13 PM by mattnava

Lucky Clan

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I cannot reproduce that. I think it happens only in some specific scenarios...

Could you send me the document where it happens to [email protected]?


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Thanks for looking into it, I really appreciate that! I would send you a document but I don't think it would do much good-  I was seeing the undo bug I described with a brand new 4K document as soon as I opened the animation panel and started trying to draw, which should be relatively simple to recreate on your side. The bug was extremely consistent here, and then after a few hours of working, I found that it started to happen maybe 50% of the time.

But I've been seeing a whole lot of other crazy stuff using the animation tool, unfortunately... I'll record some videos when I have time. Its kind of a lot to describe, you have to see it really. Basically what I'm finding is that if you just use the animation panel long enough, the app gets into a buggy state and everything goes crazy. In this state a few things happen:
- Scrolling the animation timeline through a bunch of frames causes the canvas to flash wildly (the canvas is refreshing to the wrong frames, often visibly low res for a quarter second as it updates). The app stutters and cant scroll smoothly.
- Using the transform tool on a frame makes all the frames visible on top of each other when you commit, until you select a different frame and reselect the one you were editing to force it to refresh. it looks how it does when you close the animation panel, and it displays all the layers on top of each other.
- The whole thing grinds to a really slow framerate when you try to draw if you get over maybe 40 or so frames at 1080 resolution, which seems like a pretty low limit for the frame count. I lowered the resolution from 4K to 1080p and saw significant perf gain, and was able to make a few more frames before it got slow again, at which point I just had to make a new document to continue working.

It's pretty tough to use the animation panel tools in its current state. It feels like the app is just breaking down in terms of performance when trying to scale up right now, in addition to some simple refresh bugs with the undo. Maybe the scope of the animation tool is targeting low resolution gifs with less than 30 frames? Maybe my expectations don't match the intended use case here.

Because of the practical limitation of only having one layer of frames, I'm using the animation feature for simple storyboards right now instead of animation, which requires less images and can be done with just a single simple lines layer. Not sure how I would take things further currently, in terms of more complex images or more frames- or if I should expect to be able to.

Lucky Clan

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We will try to fix all that asap

Lucky Clan

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We have just published version version 5.1.7 which should fix all (or most) bugs you reported above.
Please test.