Author Topic: Few thoughts (Artstudio Pro on iPad Pro)  (Read 5039 times)


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Few thoughts (Artstudio Pro on iPad Pro)
on: March 18, 2018, 07:48:24 PM

First of all, thank you for this app. You doing really great job with it, I see many guys "worry" about new stuff and updates for it.
Keep good work ;)

So to my thoughts :

- as I mainly using ASPro for pixel art my biggest issue for now is "contiguous" option for paint bucket tool (as you already did on wand tool)
(for now I have to use wand tool and then doing color fill)

-color swatch on right (as it is) not very usefull in my opinion, would be better to have some window which you can move/hide with all RGB/HSB/ color wheel parameters for fast color choose.

- would be good to have ability to have on screen "shortcut button" for quick eyedrop tool/color picker

And some additional (hope to see it someday in ASPro) : ;)

- warp transformation

- timeline (?) :) for animations /gifs.

P.S. Tried to post feedback few times on App Store, didn`t work for me
With best regards, Konstantin.

Lucky Clan

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Re: Few thoughts (Artstudio Pro on iPad Pro)
Reply #1 on: March 19, 2018, 03:42:18 AM
- i agree, we will add 'contiguous' option to bucket fill tool
- few users already reported that, i will look for a good solution. I don't like "windows" on iPad, it must be something else
- why don't you just use "long press" gesture to activate eyedropper?
- warp - version 1.2 will introduce Elastify (aka Liquify, iWarp, Warp) transformation. We are almost ready with it. Another warps (Mesh Warp,  Puppet Warp) will be considered.
- timeline - sorry, no animation functions in the near future
Last Edit: March 19, 2018, 03:57:25 AM by Lucky Clan


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Re: Few thoughts (Artstudio Pro on iPad Pro)
Reply #2 on: March 19, 2018, 06:04:34 PM
Thank you for fast reply.

About eyedrop tool... sure, currently  I’m using ‘long press’ gesture with small delay setting (0.1sec) and ‘only pencil’ mode of canvas. But for me it takes far more time for achieving results (work done). I spent around 13 years working using desktop, where I have alt button for this :) so its really hard force myself to do it in new way.
When you tap your finger, you have to move pencil in hand, wait for color circle and then trying to hit right pixel. When you have hot button for that u just work with the tip of your pencil. Its really faster and more precise.
Btw special thanks for rulers and guide lines.

With best regards, Konstantin.


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Re: Few thoughts (Artstudio Pro on iPad Pro)
Reply #3 on: December 18, 2018, 09:27:04 PM
+1 that long-press is not very convenient to use. I (and probably many painter) very commonly work in a area by continuously sample nearby colors and paint and repeat. The brush is right near the area where I want to pick color so using finger is not as convenient as using the pen to pick color. However, if I set the latency to trigger color picker by long-pressing the pen to too low, then I will be accidentally triggering it a lot when doing slow strokes. A virtual 'alt' key really solve this issue perfectly.

Lucky Clan

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Re: Few thoughts (Artstudio Pro on iPad Pro)
Reply #4 on: December 27, 2018, 05:09:34 PM
Here is copy of post from another thread:
"Version 2.1 will introduce something differrent - you will be able to set specific action for finger when Apple Pencil is connected. Available actions will be: Eyedropper, Eraser, Smudge and Quick Menu. For example Pencil will paint and finger will erase or sample color."