Author Topic: ArtStudioPro Mac version  (Read 3549 times)


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ArtStudioPro Mac version
on: December 17, 2022, 01:57:09 PM

Are you still developing the Mac desktop version? Is there a v5 for desktop?

I've been playing with ArtRage and Krita (Photoshop is my main painting app) and the brushes in ArtStudioPro are much better, in my opinion, than either of those apps. I'd hate to put time in the desktop version of ASP if it's not going to be developed any longer.


Andreas Raninger

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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #1 on: December 18, 2022, 01:42:34 PM
Same question here.
ASP desktop is my first choice, Photoshop my second.

Lucky Clan

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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #2 on: December 29, 2022, 04:08:59 AM
We will work on bigger update of Mac version soon, probably... However iOS sales are much higher to we rather spend our time on iOS...

Andreas Raninger

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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #3 on: December 29, 2022, 06:04:38 AM
Yes, that's obvious.
But if you put some effort in to the Mac version, I think some artists will abandon Photoshop for ASP.
It might not happen over night but no pain no gain.


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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #4 on: December 29, 2022, 11:27:44 AM
I know your main competition is probably Procreate, but apparently they have no plans on making a desktop model, and you already have one that I believe, is a lot better than most people think if they haven't tried it.

You could promote it more, maybe.

I, too, mainly use Photoshop and am dabbling in Krita, but would love to work more in ASP if I knew it was going to be developed into the future.


Lucky Clan

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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #5 on: December 31, 2022, 06:09:51 AM
Can you suggest any painting app for mac that has good UI?


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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #6 on: December 31, 2022, 01:27:09 PM
Well, ASP has a nice one! I think the key to a UI is it needs to be customizable. Most people have their own way of working. Also, people have most likely been using another app at this point and are used to using it. Most basically copy Photoshop. In fact, I purchased Artrage, which has a unique UI and I proceeded to make it look as much like Photoshop as possible!

Rebelle has a nice interface. I like that you can make any brush the way you want on the fly. For instance, in Photoshop, if I want to blend or mix colors, I have to pick the Mixing Brush. I'd rather just change that kind of option on the fly with the brush I'm using.

I like the idea of a paint mixing palette (once color mixing is implemented). Photoshop had a plugin called Mixoos, but I couldn't really get it to work correctly. I think Painter has a separate painting palette.

Well, that's my 2 cents for now!


Andreas Raninger

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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #7 on: January 02, 2023, 04:46:13 AM
I agree. A more dynamic GUI is essential, because all artists have a different workflow. To be able to resize and hide unnecessary controls in the color/brush selector would be a big step forward. A color wheel would be nice too. The right panels should be dynamic and have a hide/show option. Now they are static.


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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #8 on: January 03, 2023, 02:21:51 PM
One thing I miss and it's a little cumbersome to overcome, is the ability to open reference images. There's a free app called PureRef tha can do the trick, but it would be nice to have it in ASP.



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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #9 on: January 03, 2023, 05:29:34 PM
I would totally get the desktop version of ASP if I knew it was decently maintained. I was initially going to, but since I needed to upgrade my computer for that to happen as well, I delayed the purchase. Now I'm not so sure anymore, seeing that it gets little love lately, but I'd love to work seamlessly between devices using the same filetypes.


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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #10 on: January 05, 2023, 07:33:13 AM
Since I liked the iOS version so much I also bought the desktop version. Which is a little underwhelming. However using the iOS version on the desktop works surprisingly well. Starting there and adding more functionality that makes sense desktopwise could be a way.


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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #11 on: January 05, 2023, 12:01:32 PM
I don't own the iOS version, just the desktop, so I can't compare, but why do you think the desktop version is underwhelming?

Personally, I use it just for painting. I don't use it as a Photoshop replacement as far as image enhancement work or anything like that.

I love the brush engine. I've brought in some PS brushes I' ve bought and some I made myself and with a few tweaks, some work better in ASP than they do in PS.


Andreas Raninger

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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #12 on: January 06, 2023, 02:56:00 AM
I agree. Photoshop lacks that feeling when it comes to painting.

ASP engine is the same as in the IOS/iPadOs version, I think, and updated along side the IOS/iPadOs version. So there is nothing to complain about when it comes to that. The GUI(more dynamic), settings and a reference window, as I see it, are the main things that could be fixed for a better experience. Everything under the hood, as I wrote in a review, is a piece of art of itself. Brilliant planned optimized programming with almost no bugs.

ASP desktop is my main tool for painting and it hurts to see it falling behind the IOS/iPadOs version. Painting on a 13" iPad is a nightmare for me and the hand always gets in the way. I'm more of a 4K 27" drawing tablet guy. It's too difficult to keep track of the overall image quality on the iPad.


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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #13 on: January 06, 2023, 05:36:27 AM
I don't own the iOS version, just the desktop, so I can't compare, but why do you think the desktop version is underwhelming?


This is mainly from an UI perspective. It seems less customisable than the iOS version - all palettes have more or less fixed positions. Or maybe I am missing a setting, still pretty new to the app. One of the selling points of ASP for me is to arrange my own workspace with the most used tools always easily accessible.

I guess I was expecting both versions to have a similar layout and UI elements to behave in a similar way. I prefer the same, or very similar layouts for desktop and iPad, so switching is seamless.

Damian Górny

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Re: ArtStudioPro Mac version
Reply #14 on: January 09, 2023, 10:58:15 AM
In my opinion UI is good but miss customization of right panel for sure. My dream look in attachment. Simple but handy color and brush in one place.