Author Topic: Mac version -- where is everything??  (Read 7664 times)


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Mac version -- where is everything??
on: January 22, 2022, 11:51:54 PM
I finally got a drawing tablet and was super excited to start using Art Studio Pro on my M1 Mac, but this seems so neutered compared to the iPad version? But that doesn't make sense? I'm not using a demo version (at least I think so).

But where is the navigator/reference window? The shortcut settings adjustments? And all the other features of the iPad version?

I'm sure this is me just not able to find it but I've gone through the drop down menus and I can't find a thing. The app's page says it has all the features of the iPad, so anyone know what's up?

Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 11:54:02 PM by Randall1028


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Re: Mac version -- where is everything??
Reply #1 on: January 24, 2022, 04:28:19 AM
So it's not only me- desperately searching for the possibility to use a reference photo like on the iPad. I searched the drop down menus as well!


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Re: Mac version -- where is everything??
Reply #2 on: February 07, 2022, 12:35:44 PM
It's been 2 weeks but  still no answer? Do the Devs and/or moderators not check this forum?

This is concerning. The app is advertised to have all the features as the iPad version, is that not the case?


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Re: Mac version -- where is everything??
Reply #3 on: February 07, 2022, 09:11:30 PM
Their focus is probably more on the iPad version, so idk if they’re the same, but my guess is, that they aren’t. Perhaps it’s a few versions behind the iPad one?

Try asking again under Suggestions/Ideas/Bugs category I think they answer/read there more frequently. Or ask them via email directly. They are a very small team and likely always busy, so they might just have overlooked your question


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Re: Mac version -- where is everything??
Reply #4 on: February 12, 2022, 01:41:27 AM
So I wrote an email to the support service. This answer came from Sylwester Los himself:

“There is no “Reference panel” in Mac version, because you can just open a Reference photo in a window from separate app.”

Which obviously means that you instead can open the app in split screen and open photos app as well. Which is a pity because you’ll lose a lot of real estate for drawing and painting or have to use a 2nd screen, can’t pick colours from photo and you don’t have a navigator panel as well.


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Re: Mac version -- where is everything??
Reply #5 on: February 12, 2022, 07:51:00 PM
Thanks for reaching out to them. I agree with all your points. Needing to do workarounds for what is basic functionality of the iPad version is dumb.

The missing items is very unfortunate as I'm almost sure that was there in the past.


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Re: Mac version -- where is everything??
Reply #6 on: September 15, 2023, 06:03:48 AM
I just got my new Huion tablet (kamvas 13) and everything so far seems to work except zoom bar (button/express key) on the top of tablet next to the screen.


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Re: Mac version -- where is everything??
Reply #7 on: September 15, 2023, 07:25:50 PM
I've been begging for features as I only use the desktop version. I would love a reference window or the abilty to open two documents at the same time for starters.

The interface needs work as the palettes, once opened, take up a good part of the screen.

The only answer I've ever gotten, was the iPad  version comes first.

The desktop version could be sooo good if it just had a few tweaks.

I eventually bought Rebelle when it was on sale. I go back to ASP occasionally mainly because the brushes are so good and and imports Photoshop brushes almost flawlessly.
