Author Topic: Tool icons on the left  (Read 3579 times)

Lucky Clan

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Tool icons on the left
on: September 23, 2020, 03:06:58 AM
Last hours i received a lot complains that left bar with tool icons was moved to the top. My explanation is that it was necessary to make more space for canvas, and make left and bottom edge empty so palm is not tapping buttons there accidentally.

I understand that some users got accustom to tool icons on the left side, so i can consider some improvements.

And here is the question. I suppose users don't need all icons on the left. Please tell me - maybe adding only Eraser button (activating and deactivating it, or maybe hold pressed) would be enough?


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Re: Tool icons on the left
Reply #1 on: September 23, 2020, 04:12:17 AM
I think it is just habit. I don’t think people use all of these menus. Most used for me are brush, eraser, selections. And I’m happy they are on top.

I’d suggest you make movable floating big round button for big thumb like it made in fresco. They only suggest using for eraser and i can’t understand why. This button can be configured as color picker and eraser on double tap, and vice versa, and maybe some other functions. But these too is what most people use, imho.

Smth like that:


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Re: Tool icons on the left
Reply #2 on: September 23, 2020, 04:16:10 AM
¿Why not the option to add booth, on top and left?

I mean, by default only the top one. Add the option to change left bar to include more buttons. Even an option to hide left bar at all.

Now we have finger dragging to change size/flow and floating color panel. So someone will don't need an extra bar at all, some others will prefer to have as many options at hand as possible.

This way we will have 5 different modes:

- By default the left bar visible with size/flow handles
- Option to hide the bar
- Option to add even more buttons
- Option to show color palette
- Option to show Tone/Saturation color

The top button now is only useful when you use it for colors. Instead, use it to swap between 5 modes.

Maybe the addition of another bar for changing some extra brush settings: blend mode, activate/deactivate pressure, change drawing mode, symmetry on/off.

In any way, don't put again the second vertical bar; many unwanted touches. Now it's good: only the bar on the left (or right for left handed).

Note: this is not a petition, but a proposal. Indeed a prefer the UI as is in 3.0 but i understand the complains.


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Re: Tool icons on the left
Reply #3 on: September 23, 2020, 08:49:24 AM
And here is the question. I suppose users don't need all icons on the left. Please tell me - maybe adding only Eraser button (activating and deactivating it, or maybe hold pressed) would be enough?

Having access to many tools on screen was your app's selling point over Procreate.
Having only Eraser doesn't win that. You had very good working app. Why remove all that people loved.

Keeping the left tool bar, but  giving option to remove certain tools a user doesn't use would have been the better move.

More canvas space? We already had that option to hide all palettes. And do you really want to remove what people loved for that?

At least, give us the option to go back to earlier version.


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Re: Tool icons on the left
Reply #4 on: September 24, 2020, 02:02:06 AM
A simple legacy UI toggle appears to be in order. People got accustomed to the old one. Neither is superior IMO, it’s just preference.

Coming from procreate, the current UI works fine for me personally. I’m also taking advantage of the superior customizable quick menu though.


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Re: Tool icons on the left
Reply #5 on: September 30, 2020, 10:16:46 AM
I had already told you that placing the toolbar on top was a very bad decision. I don’t need width but maximal visible canvas height without anything on top or bottom.
Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 10:19:56 AM by Artsketch