I would love to make some suggestions to the UI to make ASP more efficient to use.
Having to open a palette every time saves drawing space, but it slows down the process of drawing and breaks the flow. Procreate has the same problem, though it is very immersive, having to keep clicking open menus is annoying. Therefore I would like to have the option to have palettes permanently open, perhaps by having a simple toggle on the palette. The color wheel and/or swatches panel, the brushes and the layers menu would all fit.
Another thing is to be able to rearrange the tools panel. more than 50% of the tools I don't use, so having them take up space makes no sense to me. I would rather have only the tools I need, but without having some of these grouped. Like the wet brush and the normal brush, or the various selection tools. I would like direct access to the freehand selection or the polygon selection. Having to long press then select takes more time.
Please redesign the color window so it is bigger and easier to work with, having it in there with the swatches is not really working well, it all feels cramped.
Having the swatches on the right side is a good option, but I would prefer to have the option to long press the color bringing up the color menu so I can make adjustments. The sliders for HSB are an interesting idea, but I find them much less intuitive than a color box or wheel, as I have to make adjustments in three places rather than two in case of a wheel/box. It is easier to get the color this way than in the current state, where I have to go back and forth between sliders and ofter prefer to actually open the color menu. For small adjustments it is OK, but not for bigger ones.
I think the placement of the brush and color menus, should be reconsidered. It does not really make sense to me how it is done right now. In normal mode it is at the bottom, which is awkward to use with the non drawing hand. In paint mode it is more like procreate, but then it is combined with buttons with completely different functions (The finger/touch button, The UI button and the fullscreen button) which are confusing and lead to false clicks and confusion. IMHO these three buttons should be somewhere where they are not as visible, and do not interfere with drawing operations. The pen/touch button should just be in preferences.
The switch UI and full screen buttons could be combined, so when I click once, i enter painting mode, twice I get fullscreen. This would save two buttons. I still think that the color and brush and layers tab should be in the same place for all drawing modes. As an aside, I find the "brush stamp as button for the brush menu" not very functional, as it is just a small dot for small brushes or a black square for big ones (which often makes me confuse it for the color menu...) Having just a simple brush Icon there would do the trick.
I know that using the app on a smaller screen might make some placements difficult, but then again, there also is procreate pocket... (a separate app specifically for small devices) And most people using this app professionally will use at least a 9'' iPad, so it would make sense to optimize the app with this size or bigger in mind.
I am sorry this turned out rather long, but as an avid user of both ASP as well as Clip Studio and Procreate, all of these apps have their strengths and weaknesses. ASP is sort of in between these two, so would make the ideal app if some issues, mostly based on the UI, are addressed.