Strange… I’m using the latest version as available to me, either in TestFlight or iOS Apps Update : 2.2 (362). (No toggle option). [i’ve found this happening before, that sometimes App updates can arrive here after others have received them].
1. Toggle between Marching Ants and Quick Mask would avoid need for 2 buttons. (Quick Menu).
2. New Selection visible… sorry I should have said Marching Ants, not Marquee? Scenario: I draw a selection; work within it; hide it (for clearer viewing); work more; delete selection. Later, draw Lasso selection, but none appears. I cannot see where it is - because Hidden Mode is still active. I can’t see why I would want a new drawn selection to be invisible? [I think ASPro is alone in this].
3. Editable Quick Mask… as in Photoshop etc: painting with white/grey/black visibly controls opacity of selection/mask. [I’m sure I remember you agreeing this would be good, when I suggested it a while ago].