Thanks for reply, Lucky (Do we call you Lucky - never really known)..?
No, I fully understand all about Layer Blend Modes - I was only mentioning them to illustrate my point about Brush Blend Modes behaving unsatisfactorily compared to them when strokes of non-Normal brush mode are applied to blank areas.
Referring to my 2nd image... (particularly the transparent background).... First the reds are painted using Normal Mode. Then (same layer) blue is painted, using the 3 (HSL) modes.
Over the Reds: perfect. That is just as we'd expect: the red being changed according to whichever mode the blue is using.
But... and this is my point.... why should those three modes (HSL in this example) act
at all on areas of the layer that are blank (in this case, non-red-painted)??
If blank, then there is nothing for the (e.g) Hue Mode to change the Hue of..! Instead, on any blank area, the Active Mode is ignored and the stroke is painted as if in Normal mode!
I've never understood how that could possibly be considered desirable!
My thinking would be: (using Hue Mode, or any other non-normal) the brush paints: if content present, change its Hue; if nothing, do nothing...
(Of course, as I said before, I know this is a universal thing, so not directing this at ASPro..!

Just wondered if you could point out what advantage there might be in how it currently works)..?