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Messages - Bbolger

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Color coding for Layers
on: September 11, 2022, 05:59:59 PM
This is the upcoming feature I’m most excited about

Just install version 4.0.4 from the App Store

Just downloaded it and testing. So far it seems to perform much much better  :D

When painting the app works perfect with masks and adjustmen layers but changing size and sometimes loading a new large project from onedrive makes it crash. For me it seems that handling large chunks of memory is the trigger.

Not in beta, but that seems to be the trigger here as well. Thing is it wasn’t like this before, and I haven’t changed anything on my device aside from updating the app.

How do I try the beta? Is there a public link somewhere?

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Performance issues after last update
on: February 13, 2022, 07:32:08 AM
iPad Pro 12.9" (2018) iPadOS 14.5
Updated after staying for quite a while on 3.X.
Now the same files I’ve used to work on (300 - 500 MB A3 Canvas with many many layers) take a longer time to open, the app closes when going to a different app for a sec or when screen is locked and then unlocked, can’t have more than 2 documents open at the same time (10+ before update), occasional crashes… Not good.

Is this performance drop something you’re aware of and planning to fix, or is just how the things are going to be moving forward? I’d really like to get same level of smooth performance as before…

Select by tag is actually a very nice idea!

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Group clipping mask
on: January 13, 2022, 07:56:12 AM
Smart objects yay!

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Minor 3.3 Feature Suggestions
on: January 09, 2022, 08:15:31 AM
Yeah, "from center" sounds like a good idea

I've been stresstesting Photshop and Affinity Photo on my iPad Pro 12.9 2017. Both Photoshop and Affinity seems to handle a lot of layers without any penalty in performance.
ASP on the other hand is struggling a lot with the same amount of layers. I jump to my Mac Mini M1 and run Astropad when this happens, but on the road I don't have this option. Is it possible to improve many layers performance in ASP or is a total rebuild of the core required in ASP?

Really? I find the opposite to be true, at least on AP (don’t know about iPad PS). An A3 file @300 dpi with 150+ layers on ASP gets a bit laggy but I can still work on it pretty well. The same file on AP would have more or less same performance drop, but AP crashes on me much more regularly (even when working on smaller files)

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Multiple references needed.
on: November 13, 2021, 06:58:26 AM
Thiis Procreate 5.2 release must be a massive one because it was announced 5 MONTHS ago. And we still haven’t heard when it’s coming out. Talk about hyping a point release update.

They always do it like that

There are a lot of bugs in Procreate. Some of them is several years already. Procreate’s developers answer to users that they are aware of them, but bugs are still not fixed. Comparing to that, ASP developers are very responsive.

That’s one of the main reasons I ditched procreate and moved to ASP

Indeed. But it is even worse that they are trying to sell some bugs as features… smh
ASP devs are really one of the best teams on iPadOS

Yes! Been waiting for this one!

+1 for templates

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: 3.3 Question
on: September 22, 2021, 05:06:20 AM
Drawing modes should stay imho, like Jack said there are scenarios where this feature can’t be replaced with autoshape

You can check it yourself. Procreate allows 18 layers on 4000x6000 300 dpi canvas. I made 50 layers in ASP on that resolution. After 42 layers app became slow, because memory is out and swap is used massively, but you still can use the app if needed. Of course it’s better to keep less layers while ipad free ram is pretty low.


Borodante is just an artist as every other artist.

I still think having the ability to calculate the number of layers a canvas can take WITHOUT excessive memory swapping would be a useful feature. And this even if ASP offers more legroom in terms of layer support. I’d still have to use Procreate to estimate the layer limit based on canvas and DPI size before using ASP simply because I can’t do such a calulation in ASP.

In fact, that’s one of the reasons I use ASP… I don’t see how you’d need to do that cumbersome process of calculating how much layers the app will let you have when in ASP you don’t have (such a restrictive) limit (as in Procreate). My iPad pro 2018 handles 150+ layers on an A3 300 dpi document just fine (in Procreate that’d be around 24? I believe…). I might see performance drop if I really push it, but I don’t care that much cause if it’s still responsive enough, I can still work and the app (usually) won’t crash.

On a second note, I don’t think a layer estimator would work very well on ASP because in my experience the app handles layers differently. If layers are almost empty (eg.: just the head of a character on one layer, less than 5% of the document size), it doesn’t seem to count as a full layer (like in Procreate).

Help / Re: Fastest way to pick colors?
on: June 07, 2021, 07:27:59 AM
I dont find it slow at all tbh… you can also long press with your finger anywhere on the canvas and then "paint" with the pencil, which becomes your color picker automatically (it is exactly the same behavior as in Procreate, just you don’t need a button). If it’s too slow, try adjusting long press delay on preferences

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