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Messages - Carlitusroda

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Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: 3.0???
on: July 30, 2020, 05:33:18 PM
For illustration, the best pen tool (vector) is Clip Studio. Fresco is similar to Clip Studio, but not as featured.

What makes good Pen Tool (vector drawing features) in Clip Studio:

- You can use any pixel brush. Or change it
- You can simplify vector points, smooth a path
- You can change any curve size with stylus pressure without modify the curve itself. I guess this is better than select a profile (as is in Affinity apps). In any case, both methods can complement.
- You can 'trim' different intersected curves; Fresco too on last versions. I guess this is a must for comic makers
- You can erase with usual bitmap erasers

About editing vector nodes, i guess the best is Illustrator / Photoshop and Affinity apps. Taking Illustrator behavior, One finger pressure must act as Shift key, Two fingers pressure as Control.

It must be the usual 'arrange' options: send to top, bottom, move up and move down, maybe 'move to top of layer' and 'bottom of layer'. If you implement closed paths, it must have boolean options: add, substract, intersect.

It will be nice a transparency gradient tool, as Affinity Designer. Closed paths may be able to have blending modes (multiply...) and layer styles.

Option to rasterize vectors.

Option to convert text to vector objects.

Maybe... vector shapes, just as Affinity Designer (the best).

Lastly, a good vector ordering system. When you create a vector path and you are on a raster layer, a new Vector Layer must be created. Any new path must be put on that layer. New Vector Layer button. The paths must be collapsed by default, showed only if you 'uncollapse' the vector layer.

Personally i will be happy with just 'trim vectors' functionality and the ability to change vpath size on the fly with stylus pressure. I gess this is a must for vector drawing.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: 3.0???
on: July 22, 2020, 04:39:40 AM
I was wondering why I was cut off Beta testing?

I was wondering the same. It’s almost 3 weeks without new beta releases. Maybe it’s due to no new beta releases during this time.



This is a digital art pack, containing textures and other resources which allow the user to use fine arts canvas and paper textures.

All resources are obtained from real media, scanned and tweaked.
The provided resources are distributed for free. Publishing and modification is allowed, except commercial use which is NOT ALLOWED.

The provided resources are universal (all graphic software), with the addition of extra resouces for Artstudio Pro and Procreate apps.

What’s included

This pack contains:
   8 paper textures: 3 pastel paper textures, 1 offset paper texture (for graphite), 2 linen canvas, 2 watercolor papers

·    Color Swatches for Artstudio Pro and Procreate. There’s also included a .jpg image for any graphic software usage

·    All textures as seamless 1000 x 1000 pixel texture in .jpg format. Usable in any software
·    All textures as DIN A3 texture (420 x 297 mm at 300 dpi, 4960 x 2507 pixels)

·    3 base documents which can be used as templates for Artstudio Pro

·    1 presset for Artstudio Pro containing all textures
• This User Guide

Download link available at:

For more varied texture, check this other free texture pack:

It makes sense, Because you have Tilt tied to size and brush tip direction tied to tilt. Simply deactivate Pressure-Tilt.

If you wish to use your stamp as a pattern, apply it to brush texture.

If you still wish to use your current settings but no distortion: use your current stamp as auxiliary stamp (this will mask your brush) and change size/spacing, change your normal stamp to any other stamp (square, round...).

Anyway, imho it's better to use auxiliary stamp as main stamp, buecause it allows for more freedom on brush stamps. Just practice to know how it works.

I don't Know if i'm explained it well.

Show your work / watercolor landscapes
on: June 10, 2020, 06:52:37 PM
Some illustrations done with Artstudio Pro 3 beta. They are done with custom brushes i'm creating, i'm very happy with them. The next ones (brushes) will be pastel and -maybe- oils and digital ones.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Beta, missing feature.
on: June 05, 2020, 04:48:53 PM
Wow, Carlitusroda thanks a ton for this insight, finally, this works like charm!! Im not sure either, but beta is supposed to be talked about i guess. Thanks again Carlitusroda!

I agree, this works like a charm. When i discovered it it was like if i discovered America lol. IMHO, this must be activated by default, it's one of those things that make artists life much easier.

Yes, beta must be discussed DEEPLY, comunicate any bug or wrong behavior. Discuss features, showcase new worklows, tips, share resources, etc... This will make the developer make a better app, they like stable releases, we like stable releases, everyone likes it; betas serve that purpose.

But i guess this must be done on public hidden forums. Usually the closed betas (even public ones) are under non-disclosure agreement, and beta users must be 'silent' about new features and stability... btw make copies of your work, the betas are subject to bugs, may crash or corrupt your drawings.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Beta, missing feature.
on: June 05, 2020, 04:03:48 PM
Use the 'one finger' changing for brush size/opacity. It's on Options; it's not a new feature, it's there since a while. Swipe to left or ight to change size, up/down to change opacity. You must activate it on Options to use it.This way you can use the sidebar as color chooser.

I always use it. I love it so much, and i miss it on other painting apps such Procreate. Infinite Painter also have this option, but three finger swipe instead of one finger.

Impressive beta. Still assimilating so many improvements. I don't know if we are allowed to talk about it on public threads.

Help / Re: How do you handle red eye?
on: January 27, 2020, 06:00:29 AM
I don't use automatic red eye tools. This is how i handle it:
- Swap to Brush tool. Select any round brush, soft or hard. Change the brush blend mode to 'Color'. Note: if you don't wish to always make this step, you can duplicate it, change their name to 'Red eye removal brush' or 'Colorize Brush' and save it to Favorites (you can also assign a default color too if you wish); this way you will have this brush as a 'dedicated red eye removal tool' at your disposal
- Change the brush size according to iris size
- Change the color to any color you desire (green eyes for Rohan people, greyish eyes for Gondor people)
- Paint directly to iris

Help / Re: Palm Rejection
on: December 12, 2019, 05:09:06 AM
You can disable touch canvas input clicking on top bar -> third right icon.

You can still use your finger as input for menus, and UI options. So, this is like Palm Rejection.

In addition, this adds the possibility to use your finger with operational tasks (change it in Preferences). I suggest use the finger with 'drag to change size and opacity'.

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