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Messages - Icezimy

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11]
Help / What do these preference settings mean?
on: October 08, 2021, 01:49:18 PM

I just went through the preferences of Artstudio Pro again and I’m abit confused/ don’t understand what some of the options do or mean.

First one is Artstudio>Preferences>Tools>Remember resize/transform interpolation

What does that mean and how does it make a difference wether this options are turned on or off? And is it better to keep them on or off?

And the other one is Artstudio>Preferences>Apple Pencil>Maximum velocity

I tried it on maximum (100) and minimum (1). But I don’t understand what this setting does and I couldn’t feel a difference.

Thanks in advance :)

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: 3.3 Question
on: October 01, 2021, 12:40:25 PM
Can't wait for the release! 😁

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Color Banding issue (gradients)
on: September 30, 2021, 08:54:49 AM
Usually if you can already see the banding on your screen, it will be even more obvious when printing

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Color Banding issue (gradients)
on: September 29, 2021, 03:20:13 PM
Color banding is generally a thing that happens with digitalart, mostly when painting large gradients without texture especially with the round brush or airbrush.

An easy way to fix it is to duplicate the layer or to select affected area and „add layer via copy“. Then add surface blur to it until most of the banding dissapears. Then you can add a mask, paint with black, to remove it from areas you don't want the blur, and then if needed, add a new layer to paint back in any details that might have been lost.

Another/additional way already mentioned is to add a new layer on top, fill with 50% grey, set to overlay, and add noise until banding mostly dissapears, then add mask again to remove from unwanted areas, and adjust layer opacity if needed.

Next way is to add any grey textured layer on top, set to overlay and adjust opacity, erase, adjust or add mask as needed.

Final and most time consuming way is to paint over affected area with smaller or more texture brushes.

And to generally prevent it from happening again, you can either avoid painting gradients with very large brushes, and paint in with smaller strokes instead, or use more textured brushes.

Hope that helps :)

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