Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Workflow improvement suggestions!
on: December 22, 2017, 04:21:30 AM
New here, first off, thank you for developing this superb app, I'm very impressed that it really feels professional and fast.
Here are some suggestions that I hope to see implemented - which will serve as workflow and productivity enhancements within the app:
1-An option in the preference to "disable eyedropper" by holding Apple Pencil (this way you can make the 'eyedropper delay' setting faster for quick picking with the finger and it won't affect the apple pencil color picking by mistake)
2-Please add the ability to have a smaller version of the color window to be floating on top of the canvas, that will greatly improve the speed of choosing colors- *at least a small floating HSB slider or a color square.*
3-In full screen mode, please add the brush size/flow sliders too. important.
4-An easier and quicker way to create a mask and clipping mask without going through multiple pages through the layer panel or the drop down menu, It would be really great to have simple icon on the layer panel for create clipping mask and create layer mask-This way the icon for the clipping mask can be toggled on/off just like the visibility eye icon.
5-In the Brush Editor , it would be a lot better to have sliders that you can tweak easily for the different brush settings instead of the numeric values which is tedious
6-When testing brush changes in the Brush Editor, it would be great to have an icon on it to "pin" Brush Editor window so that you can test the changes made on the brush right on the canvas without closing the brush editor and reopening all the time.
7- Is there a way to change the color and opacity of the selection Quick Mask ? I didn't see it..
That's all for now,
Thank you very much
New here, first off, thank you for developing this superb app, I'm very impressed that it really feels professional and fast.
Here are some suggestions that I hope to see implemented - which will serve as workflow and productivity enhancements within the app:
1-An option in the preference to "disable eyedropper" by holding Apple Pencil (this way you can make the 'eyedropper delay' setting faster for quick picking with the finger and it won't affect the apple pencil color picking by mistake)
2-Please add the ability to have a smaller version of the color window to be floating on top of the canvas, that will greatly improve the speed of choosing colors- *at least a small floating HSB slider or a color square.*
3-In full screen mode, please add the brush size/flow sliders too. important.
4-An easier and quicker way to create a mask and clipping mask without going through multiple pages through the layer panel or the drop down menu, It would be really great to have simple icon on the layer panel for create clipping mask and create layer mask-This way the icon for the clipping mask can be toggled on/off just like the visibility eye icon.
5-In the Brush Editor , it would be a lot better to have sliders that you can tweak easily for the different brush settings instead of the numeric values which is tedious
6-When testing brush changes in the Brush Editor, it would be great to have an icon on it to "pin" Brush Editor window so that you can test the changes made on the brush right on the canvas without closing the brush editor and reopening all the time.
7- Is there a way to change the color and opacity of the selection Quick Mask ? I didn't see it..
That's all for now,
Thank you very much