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Messages - Dorothyfan1

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 12
Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Multi page PDF support?
on: October 26, 2021, 06:46:06 PM
Heard the news Procreate will get multi page PDF support. Is this going to come to Artstudio Pro anytime soon or at all?

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Toolbar got bigger
on: October 12, 2021, 12:32:59 AM
The lack of split screen mode is why i’m not using Realistic Paint Studio which gets a lot of positive reviews. I don’t care. No split screen? I’m not interested. Bye bye Realistic Paint Studio.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Toolbar got bigger
on: October 11, 2021, 02:59:55 PM
If you people pressure and succeed in getting ASP to remove split view on the iPad will be the fasted way to remove interest in using the app in my opinion. Especially since I see no movement to remove split view from Procreate. I use Visref with ASP using split screen. Split screen is the best thing since sliced bread. It allows multitasking. It makes things easier to do when using reference photos in Vizref. Take away Split Screen from ASP is the day I say goodbye to the app. Period.

I have a feeling this is being caused by the new Apple iOS 15 upgrade. The official release for this is Monday. Any chance Lucky Clan can push out an update before this gets released?

Show your work / From the back.
on: September 16, 2021, 03:07:46 PM

This is an important bug fix so I hope this solves it. I suspect this might also fix the mysterious lag issue some people have been reporting as well.

You must mean 3.2.8 because the one we have now is 3.2.7.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Lasso Problem
on: September 10, 2021, 09:49:26 AM
You know, it would be immensely helpful to actually hear from the developers here who can explain or tell us what’s going on and why this still hasn’t been fixed yet? It doesn’t help the cause if they’re not here answering our questions.

I’ve been wondering how it’s possible to have undo but no history window allowing one to jump through a history listing of all actions to select a state to go back in time during a project?

The emboss property in the brush settings right now is static…meaning you set it and forget it. But wouldn’t be great if the emboss property was dynamic? The more pressure the more the brush emboss property thickens? This would put ASP into Artrage territory.

I have a spacing of only 5%. And it’s lagging at this sizing?! No, I think the very last update to ASP is causing this issue. Because I haven’t experienced any lagging prior to the most recent update. Something in the last update is doing this and has to be reversed.

Edit: According to the last update there was a bug fix for the brush stamp angle when the canvas got rotated and or mirrored. I think the current bug is related to that bug fix. Apparently they did something to the brush stamp which is causing the lag after that last update.

This is speculation…but I’m wondering if the delay is because the rendering is set to use “all layers” in the option setting. Because this could be the reason for the delay…it’s trying to quickly gauge the layers below to get the rending of the texture.

Edit: I’m now seeing the same lag as mentioned by the OP. I just experienced this lag right now as I was doing a simple paint job. I’ve never experienced this lag anytime before. This is the first time I’m seeing this lag and it’s concerning. This is on a fresh new canvas and I’m just doing a quick paint job on a single layer. Suddenly there’s a lag in seeing the stroke. Never saw this before. Why now? I had to do a hard reboot of my iPad and this seems to address this issue…for now. But I suspect until this is addressed this ugly lag may be seen again soon.

Help / Re: Moving brushes into different folders
on: August 27, 2021, 10:06:08 PM
Of course in full screen, I am talking about organizing the brushes within the brush panel, not about importing new ones. Just dragging a brush from one folder into another

I haven’t seen the bug manifest in full screen mode so this is the first I’m hearing it affecting brush managaement in this way.

Help / Re: Moving brushes into different folders
on: August 27, 2021, 03:50:34 PM
I am not able to select a brush and drag it into another folder in the brush panel, I get a „not allowed“ icon and the operation fails. Can anybody confirm that or is it just on my end? I currently have to copy/paste and delete the brushes to move them into another folder. (All custom brushes and folders, not the default ones)

I know this bug is current during split screen mode. I’ve mentioned this to the developers and I haven’t heard a response about it. It would be the first time I’ve heard this bug affecting when you’re in full screen mode though.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Multiple references needed.
on: August 27, 2021, 09:32:49 AM
Thiis Procreate 5.2 release must be a massive one because it was announced 5 MONTHS ago. And we still haven’t heard when it’s coming out. Talk about hyping a point release update.

They always do it like that

I wonder if this release will let us keep the layer panel open while working on the canvas. They finally allowed this with the color panel…but still nothing on the layer palette.

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