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Topics - Qualzar

Pages: [1]
Setting the background color for new files just makes the button flash but the picker does not appear

2021 ipad pro 12.9
Ipad os 17.2
App version 5.1.21

My thumbnails stopped generating previews a bit ago, making it hard to browse at a glance. I was guessing it was an issue on apple’s part, but i’m posting here just in case. Is anyone else getting this issue?

Hello, recently I've been trying to make repeating tile textures in ASP. One of my speedbumps is that I have to apply the offset filter to layers one at a time, and can't do it to a group or multiple selected layers. Would it be possible for this function to be added, or a way to offset the entire canvas/file?

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / App instability
on: May 19, 2023, 09:13:11 PM
Hi! Recently there’s been a good chunk of crashes and other stability issues for me. I’ve been trying to track down when or what makes them occur, but I’m mostly posting to see if anyone else is having the issue (and for awareness)

About twice in the past week I’ve lost hours worth of progress because the app crashed without auto saving. I’ve been trying to save manually to minimize errors lately. My hardware is the 2021 iPad Pro 12.9 with 16GB RAM

Today I had an issue crop up where I was no longer able to use the undo function. Most functions in the menus were grayed out (including save) and I couldn’t continue work until exiting the app entirely and reopening it. This particular lock happened after setting my canvas to the ref window, but I haven’t replicated it

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Additional Ruler/Guide options
on: September 16, 2022, 06:54:15 AM
It would be helpful to have a ruler/guide mode where you can define one or two guides to help with parallel lines. The option to drag guides from the rulers is helpful but only works for 90 degrees.

This would be great for a lot of artwork featuring isometric views or mechanical objects. As an example, SAI2 has the option for parallel lines, and all lines are restricted to run parallel to the guide

"Add (glow)" is a good option for making lighting, magical effects and metallic shine quickly. I airbrushed from above to show how it compares to other layer effects

Apologies for the duplicate request from some time back, I failed to include examples last time

Second pic is example without any airbrushed effects from above

Something I find myself doing a dozen or-so times per drawing is changing the bucket fill options between current and reference. It would be useful to have this toggle be on the sidebar, shortened to one tap, or give this toggle the option of being a shortcut key

A feature I frequently used within Clip and Sai was the ability to invert a brush so you could use it as an eraser. I found it particularly useful for texturing or when airbrushing, but especially for airbrushing. I was able to quickly maintain the size and opacity of the brush without having to roughly mirror the settings to my soft eraser

I used to do some heavily stabilized lines back when I used Sai2, often for very long strokes I would use the highest stabilizer available. Would it be possible to increase the stabilizer strength for the Live Spring mode? Even at 50 I still find some lines difficult

Option for bucket fill to sample both the reference layer(s) and the current layer

specifically useful for when there might be gaps in line art, you can fill the gap and then fill the lineart without having to modify the reference layer/group

I often like to start on a brown canvas for sketching, would it be possible for us to be able to set the color being used on a preset?

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Grid transparency
on: August 11, 2021, 04:15:32 PM
The solid grid can get in the way of small details while I’m mapmaking. I’ve tried making it match the underlying color but the opaque lines still impede visibility a bit. Is there a way we can change the opacity of the grid?

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