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Topics - Dorothyfan1

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Show your work / A demo of the new pigment engine.
on: February 14, 2023, 09:27:33 AM

C’mon Lucky Clan. I tried changing the default location where my documents can be stored in order to save my files. In this case I wanted to use Dropbox so I set the location in Settings. But when I tried to create a new document I get an error saying “Cannot import file”. And this was to create a NEW document so I’m being DENIED creating ANY new documents if the storage option is anything OTHER than iCloud.

This needs an unscheduled updated bug fix ASAP otherwise how can anybody create ANY document of ANY dimension unless they have document storage creation set ONLY to the iCloud?!

Edit: I’m using the LATEST possible iteration as of August 20th 2022. The exact error in the dialog box says “The operation couldn’t be completed. NSFileProviderError - Domain Error 1”

I haven’t been on the forums in a while because i’ve had issues with my health and other concerns. But now I’ve come back to digital art creation because of a new concern…inflation eating away my ability to purchase watercolor tubes of paint and other price increases causing me to back away from physical art work. This is now becoming a serious problem and it’s forcing me to become more attuned to the problems in digital art design and one issue I’m seeing right now involves Artstudio Pro and that is the program is still too darn confusing to look for different tools to get things done. I’m forced to go back to Procreate because I can easily find the Liquify tool instantly when I need to do quick work on an object while drawing. Using this as a baseline example…I can’t for the life of me find the liquify tool instantly on Artstudio Pro to do the same job. I have to hunt it down on the numerous menu selections to figure out where this is. You guys need to overhaul the program to simplify where we can find the most basic tools and hide the confusing menus but still allow us to find those items by making it intuitive to find when we need it. Borodante mentions this issue constantly in his Youtube reviews of Artstudio Pro and these concerns are still valid and still need fixing.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Artstudio Pro widget?
on: November 06, 2021, 08:54:41 AM
Procreate has a widget so i can put it in the Smart Stack in iOS 15. Why can’t we do the same thing for Artstudio Pro?

Show your work / In the rain…
on: November 05, 2021, 09:59:49 PM

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Copy Procreate’s new Card feature
on: November 01, 2021, 05:47:29 PM
I got the Procreate 5.2 update today and I’m impressed by the new Card feature in the color palette. Which essentially allows you to see the colors in larger squares making it easier to see and tap on during painting. I’d like to see this feature in Artstudio Pro.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Multi page PDF support?
on: October 26, 2021, 06:46:06 PM
Heard the news Procreate will get multi page PDF support. Is this going to come to Artstudio Pro anytime soon or at all?

Show your work / From the back.
on: September 16, 2021, 03:07:46 PM

I’ve been wondering how it’s possible to have undo but no history window allowing one to jump through a history listing of all actions to select a state to go back in time during a project?

The emboss property in the brush settings right now is static…meaning you set it and forget it. But wouldn’t be great if the emboss property was dynamic? The more pressure the more the brush emboss property thickens? This would put ASP into Artrage territory.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Multiple references needed.
on: August 26, 2021, 10:59:34 AM
Artstudio Pro has a woefully inadequate color palette selection mechanism…making it impossible to really create seamless color palettes. Hence the need for multiple references instead of just one. Because of ASP’s limits in color palette design I’m forced to depend on Procreate to create the palettes and make screenshots of the palettes for importing into ASP. But unfortunately, if I import a screenshot of the color palette into ASP…I can no longer open a separate image for a reference because ASP only allows one image at a time. That’s why I hope the ASP developers (you are still out there reading any of this?) can lift the one image limit for images for importing into ASP. This would allow me to get around the poor palette creation limits of ASP and still let me import images for references.

Help / How to draw a filled dot?
on: August 25, 2021, 05:55:52 PM
Here’s something I can’t find information on…how to create a simple filled dot that you can place on the canvas. When you do 2 or three point perspectives…you normally have to put dots that signal the vanishing points on that page and then draw the lines leading to the vanishing points. ASP doesn’t have a way of creating these “dots” that you can place on the page. I have to “draw” the dot on the page which shouldn’t be necessary. You should be able to simply tap the screen with your Apple Pencil to create a simple filled “dot” mark. Is there any way to do this? Thanks.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / A resizable color palette
on: August 20, 2021, 06:49:42 AM
The one advantage ASP has over Procreate right now is the luminosity lock feature recently introduced. The ability to always have the correctly adjusted value of a hue whenever you change colors is very much appreciated. However the only issue now is the size of the color picker and let’s be honest…it’s tiny. It’s not even resizable. This is actually a problem if you’re using ASP in full screen mode because it’s harder to pick out the colors manually when the color palette is so small. Procreate has figured out the solution to this issue when they designed their color picker to be a tear off that changes size when you drag it off the toolbar. It becomes small. So you have the benefits of using it really big when you don’t have the space to afford leaving it onscreen and small when you do. ASP has the opportunity to have the benefits of both methods if they allow the color picker to be resizable. In this case you can have the advantages of a large color picker while at the same time keeping the benefit of leaving it onscreen while working. I hope this feature gets introduced in an update soon.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / A scratchpad.
on: August 13, 2021, 04:26:47 AM
Paintstorm Studio has this and I hope ASP gets one. It’s a simple scratchpad. You click on a toolbar and a scratchpad which is blank shows up. But you use it to “test” the colors you want to use on there to see if it’s the right tint. Now the benefit becomes obvious because you can use the color picker by selecting any of these colors during the “trial and error” process when choosing values.

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