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Topics - Blokfort

Pages: [1]
This will be weird to explain, I apologize for that.

Frequently I need to refresh the app (by fully closing / reopening) as there are some settings in the brushes I use that seem to glitch out or turn off, even though they are clearly on. I am not really clear on what causes this glitch.
One of the more noticeable changes is the Noise option, under General.

the lines on the left are the incorrect lines, with their settings glitched out. the lines are on the right, circled in "refreshed" are the correct ones. I know it's probably hard to see, but noise option is not applying to the lines on the left.

To help make this a bit more clear, I've turned off the noise *Pattern*, which different from the noise edge.

Speculation: I'm currently not sure what is causing this, be it setting changes through the sizing / opac / flow bar on the left, or a possible weird memory leak - as this usually appears 'the next day' when I've picked up the drawing pad to draw again.

Sorry, lots of edits.

As the title says, my bluetooth keyboard will lose all keybinds, minus Tab, the arrow keys, and the F keys (F1, F2, etc.)
This happens when typing in new layer names, or when you lock the layers window, and the color pallet window.
I do not know if this happens to all bluetooth keyboards, but the one I currently use is a cheapo Omotion Wireless Keyboard

A quick fix to this is to simply go back to the main Art Studio Pro canvas menu, then reopen the canvas you are working on.

I'll do my best to explain this one, but one of the things that drives a few people away from ASP (Art Studio Pro) are certain layer lighting options, such as Linear Dodge - Add. I feel a little bad using Procreate as a direct comparison, but this is true for other programs as well. If I save a PSD from ASP and directly reupload it to another app like Proc with the same exact settings, I will get a different picture if I am using those layer lighting settings.

Edit: Specifically specifically, it would be nice if the lighting options did more than just turn white.

The specific settings in question are:

  • Lighten
  • Linear Dodge - Add
  • Vivid Light
  • Hard Mix

Here are a few pics illustrating the differences. This first example is using the "Linear Dodge - Add" layer setting.

And this is the same PSD and settings moved over to Procreate

EDIT: Adding a note here that Clip studio Paint can do the same thing, but Photoshop cannot.

Here is a larger graph comparing lighting options. The vertical colored lines are stable, the horizontal lines are the ones with the specific layer setting.

Art Studio Pro:


There's a section on the right of the Top Menu that is blank which will not allow you to start drawing from. You can draw in the area itself, but only if you started the 'drawing point' off of this area.

Crop To Selection currently doesn't do anything when used through the quick menu. Instead, it seems to select the paint brush. I don't know.

Export PNG to Photos through the quick menu also don't seem to work, as it instead saves as a jpg.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Random Crashes - iPad version.
on: March 20, 2021, 10:02:49 PM
I've been getting quite a lot of completely random crashes lately. I'm not really sure what information to provide to help monitor this particular thing.
It doesn't matter what size canvas I use.
It doesn't matter what brush I use, I think?
It doesn't matter what other aps I'm using.
Only things that come to mind currently are, possibly it could be related to Reflector 3's desktop screen mirroring, or somehow related to auto saving, ironically.

Expanded details:

If you try to cut an object while something is selected, *while* you are currently selecting a hidden layer, you will delete the contents of that layer instead. FUTHERMORE, if you try to undo, that layer is now forever broken and can never come back. after undoing, it always seems to have a sort of square chunk removed from what was originally supposed to be there.

Simplified Steps:
Draw [thing]
Duplicate the layer of [thing]
Hide duplicate layer
Select something in duplicated layer
Cut, with layer of duplicated thing hidden

I can't seem to reproduce this bug every time However, though I have encountered it three times now. Things seem to change based on when I have closed or open any/certain other canvases. Hard to say.

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