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Messages - uterrr

Pages: [1]
Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Delay when switching tools
on: January 20, 2023, 11:36:20 AM
I created similar topic not so long ago:
Everything was fine, until update 5. I would say even more: I did not had any brush pack imported at that moment.

What I have noticed, deleting and installing app again helped, although I lost all my setting/custom brushed (I had like 10 custom brushes, this should not be of problem)

I'd love to have those, too.

Those Bezier line adjustments is highly useful for anything, really.
Even simplest implementation with central and start/end points would be really welcome.

Here is what it looks like:

If I start drawing immediately after tool change, not brush cursor nor stroke appears until stroke is ended.
It might seem like nitpicking and a little thing, but it is crusial in my process and it was not behaving like that before update.

Same issue here. Sometimes I get delay as big as 4 seconds. Restarting app or system helps somewhat, but still the lowest delay is about 1 second. It's not tied to stylus double tapping, happens with quick menu and keyboard hotkeys as well. Happens when I change color in the color window sometimes too. I use Ipad pro 13 second gen. Swapping tools is one of the most used actions, I hope this gets fixed.

Did you also got this problem after update 5, or was it before?


Immediately after update I discovered a very very annoying bug:
I set up double tap on pencil to switch between drawing tool and eraser (or is it by default?).

After update, I discovered, that switching between those tools are lagging now, like 0.5-1 second lag. And so, if I drawing, switching to eraser and try to erase, it would not detect properly, if I don't wait for tool to change for 0.5-1 second. This bug also appears if you switch tools in toolbar.

It is not just a random bug I detected and want to report, actually for me it is very, very important, because it is my flow of drawing, rapidly switching between pencil and eraser.
And it worked fine before.

Please address this bug :(

I am working on Ipad pro 12.9 2021, 128Gb

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