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Messages - artofbob

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Help / Re: Is this software still being developed?
on: August 14, 2024, 04:49:10 PM
Any chance of at least a small update? The desktop version can use some (hopefully) not so complicated updates, like:

Seeing multiple open documents at the same time (or at least a "live" reference document).

The ability to tear off or rearrange palettes. They also sometimes disappear when you switch brushes.

Now that ASP has real pigment mixing, how about a mixing palette?



Great news! I asked on here and emailed, but no response.

I agree that they should at least let us know they are alive! And, maybe a hint at what's coming.

I REALLY hope they are going to keep up with the desktop version!


Help / Is this software still being developed?
on: April 07, 2024, 04:37:58 PM
Haven't seen anything new lately. Or, many questions answered either. Just wondering if the software is still being developed.

I'm using the desktop version, which, other than pigment mixing, hasn't been touched in ages.

I love the software, but it still needs some simple improvements.

Any info would be appreciated!


Help / Re: Brush questions
on: April 03, 2024, 01:38:31 PM
Your best bet is to try to match up the settings in ASP to PS. Photoshop's biggest weakness in brushes is it's mixer brush settings. The "wetness" in ASP is far superior to Photoshop's mixer brush.

ASP can only export ASP brushes. I don't see a way to export .abr.


Help / [Desktop] Blurry/Soft Brush Strokes
on: March 08, 2024, 02:05:59 PM

I'm on the desktop version of ASP and I noticed the brush strokes are very soft or blurry. Any brush I choose. The documents are 300 ppi, so not low res.

Anyone else notice this, or is it just the way ASP works?



I don't see a lot of developer response on here. I DO hope the Mac app is still being worked on. This is such a good piece of software, It just needs a few updates.

I have Photoshop, Rebelle, ArtRage, and Krita, and next to Photoshop, ASP is my favorite app to paint in. I'd love to make it my main painitng app, but I don't want to put time into or rely on something that will disappear or be abandoned. 


Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / [Desktop] Color Picking/Reference
on: February 11, 2024, 04:26:05 PM
I know I've asked this a few times in a few ways, but I've narrowed it down to three options that would work and would hope one of them could be implemented without much difficulty.

1. Multiple canvasses visible at the same time. One can be used as a reference and you can color pick from it.
2. Actually open a reference image, which can be color picked from.
3. The ability to use the color picker (eye dropper) outside of the application so you can pick colors from images on the desktop or in something like PurRef which is used for reference images.

Hopefully, one of these options can be implemented into the desktop version soon!



Help / Re: Mac version -- where is everything??
on: September 15, 2023, 07:25:50 PM
I've been begging for features as I only use the desktop version. I would love a reference window or the abilty to open two documents at the same time for starters.

The interface needs work as the palettes, once opened, take up a good part of the screen.

The only answer I've ever gotten, was the iPad  version comes first.

The desktop version could be sooo good if it just had a few tweaks.

I eventually bought Rebelle when it was on sale. I go back to ASP occasionally mainly because the brushes are so good and and imports Photoshop brushes almost flawlessly.


I do use that sometimes, but I usually color pick when I'm in apps like Photoshop. It's also nice to see more than one document at a time. Not sure why that's so difficult to implement.


Are there any plans to make it possible to open a reference image in ASP desktop version? Or, at the very least, show two open documents side by side, rather than only seeing one at a time?

I can't believe it's that difficult to show two documents open together.

By the lack of responses lately, I guess you're not going to be developing the desktop version much more. I know the tablet version is the money maker, but it would be nice to see something being done with the desktop version.



Help / Re: (Desktop Version) LUT From Photo
on: July 13, 2023, 11:42:58 AM
Ah, I'm on the desktop version and it appears there's no option for that.

I REALLY with the desktop version would catch up to the mobile version!


Help / Re: (Desktop Version) LUT From Photo
on: July 13, 2023, 11:40:37 AM

Help / (Desktop Version) LUT From Photo
on: July 12, 2023, 04:42:07 PM
Is it possible to get a LUT or color palette from a photo? Since color picking from a photo is a little cumbersome, this would at least get the colors from the photo into a color palette for use in painting.



Where is the Reference Viewer Window?

Is there a way to see two (multiple) documents at the same time? It seems you can only click on one at a time and the other is hidden.

I'm trying desperately to use this app as my main painting app, but I keep hitting roadblocks that never seem to be addressed.



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