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Messages - Rokka

Pages: [1] 2
Newest version will crash app everytime when trying to edit multiple layers with elastify tool.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Suggestion: Important Hotkeys
on: February 01, 2021, 03:21:18 PM
Yeah, exactly!

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Suggestion: Important Hotkeys
on: November 03, 2020, 12:49:52 PM
Congratulations for version 3.0! App took a huge step forward!

There are still some hotkeys that I miss all the time in my painting process.

My wish list is:
Alpha select Add/subract: Alpha select add and subtract should have hotkeys. Professional artists who work with layers use these all the time.
Merge selected layers: I wish a hotkey for merge selected layers, I use this many times more than only merge, which already have a hotkey.
Transform tool corner strech: transform tool could have a hotkey with which the corners could be stretched freely and perspective stretch mode could have its own hotkey (example Shift and alt).
Brush size: Changing a brush size with finger lags a lot, most of the time it doesn't understand the first swipe (it’s super frustrating). In addition to that, finger swiping breaks a pipeline, as most of the time users have one hand on the keyboard and the other hand holds a pen; for changing the brush size, it’s needed to use a finger (which artists don't normally use for anything else). Currently there’s also another way for changing the brush size by tapping hotkeys, but it’s too slow in many cases (e.g. when you want to change a brush size fast on a larger scale). So is it possible to make a hotkey, that you can press down and change a size by swiping with the pen vertically (and maybe another key for alpha too)?
One sized, straight line brush stroke: Is it possible to fix a straight line brush stroke to understand the pressure dynamically and adjust the line thickness?

Can you add the option to randomize new coordinates for the pattern texture for each strokes?

Cool, thanks!

Im wondering same thing.. Before you got answer same day. Now in worst case you dont get answer at all.  :-\

Perspective grid -  sometimes have huge offset. I don't know where this comes from. Maybe when you scale document, or rotating it or something..
Cut hotkey - don't work if you first make selection, then you keep selection and example merge layers and after all this you try to cut selection area with hotkey.
Brush symmetry - always says center of screen that  symmetry is on. Even you turn it off or on with hotkey.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Suggestions - Actions and Hotkeys
on: November 22, 2019, 05:42:19 PM
Layer mask position in layer panel - Can you put layer mask right side of layer in layer panel? Now all layers are on top of each others (normal and mask) and this can make huge pile of layers and much more scrolling, and its more difficult to find right layer.

Copy/Paste to orginal position - It would be nice to have option to paste stuff exactly same position than where you did orginally copy

Isolate selected layers - I hope that I can select layers what I need and turn off others, and when I’m done just turn orginally set back on.

Hide selected layers - Hide/Unhide all selected layers with one command in layer panel

Blend layer alpha with its own or underneath values - Same as photoshop layer option ”blend if”

Mask layer from selected areas - Automatic fill selected ares black when user will create new mask layer

Save settings - Is it possible to save example symmetry settings (Visible and editable)? It can be a bit frustrating turn those off all the time (if you do something else outside of app and when you will come back, you have to turn those off again, same will happen when user will open new document).

Hotkeys suggestions

Alpha select by clicking layers- possibility to do alpha selections in layer panel with down pressed hotkey
Fast add/subtract selection - Add/subtract selections with down pressed hotkey and selection tool (example with down pressed alt you can subtract selection with lasso tool)

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Collapsible Palettes
on: November 22, 2019, 04:16:48 PM
This all sounds and looks so good!

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / [Suggestion] Eraser smudging
on: October 09, 2019, 07:34:52 AM
Thank you guys awesome 2.3 update, I really love it!
I wish to get eraser what have wetbrush options (wet and blur).
Now eraser results are many times too clean and accurate.

Sounds good!

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: [Suggestion] Quick Menu
on: September 13, 2019, 02:01:49 PM
I would love to see more buttons. Anim. is fast enough for me and it makes the user experience smoother. Could it be optional to turn animations on/off?

Thanks guys!

I meant blend transparency on/off in wet paint settings.
Sad if fav brushes is not even in plans, after that this app can be almost perfect from hotkeys view. And pro artist can do everything fastly with keyboard in full screen mode.
Example I changed to your app because your hotkey possibilities are pretty comprehensive and I can do 80% of stuff with these and it saves huge amount of time. I just hope it can be 100% in the future with the average artist pipeline. In that point, artist can just open app in full screen mode, relax and enjoy full journey from scrach to final rendered pic without jumping between screenmodes or menues. And I think you are so close to that point. cheers!

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