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Messages - pluskid

Pages: [1]
Thanks for implementing apple pencil pro support so quickly. Regarding the barrel rotation, current it activate a popup window that actually rotate the brush tip. Is there any way to make it work the same way as the pencil angle? I.e. barrel rotation trigger a real time rotation of the brush tip (like the demo in the Apple Notes app). The current implementation is also fine but it does not trigger reliably and often I need to rotate a few times before the popup window start to show.

I think it's in issue related to icloud drive. I do not have problem renaming a file if it is stored "on this iPad". The issue arise when storing file in iCloud Drive. I tried to restart the iPad and it does not help. I have reproduced it on two different iPads. Here are steps to reproduce it:

1. Turn off WIFI (and data if you have)
2. Go to Artstudio Pro, create a new document in iCloud Drive.
3. Navigate back to the gallery, long hold on the newly created document.
4. The context menu pops up, however, it is the short menu (shown in the screenshot at the original post), instead of a regular long one. It does not have delete or rename options.

Note even when remaining offline, if I open the iCloud Drive with the iOS "Files" app, I'm able to long press and rename or delete that file without the issue.

When in offline mode (no WIFI or data), I cannot rename a file. When long pressing a file, instead of the usual context menu, I get a menu with much fewer options. There is no rename menu, not even a delete menu. Please see the attached screenshot. I'm on an iPad.

Here is a gif to clarify what I meant. I'm using PolyLasso tool in Procreate, note the preview of next anchor point and connecting line when I lift the pencil off the screen.

This is great news! Thanks very much!

One of the most frequently used scenario for the selection tool is to select an area, and then use the transformation tool to adjust / move that area to correct part of the drawing. Other apps such as Infinite Painter and Procreate make this operation quite streamlined by automatically deselect (and switch back to brush) after the user commit the transformation. However, currently in Artstudio Paint we have do two extra steps every time we try to correct a small part of our drawing in this way: we need to manually deselect and manually switch back to the brush tool.

It would be great to have such a behavior implemented, which would further streamline the drawing experience! Thanks very much!

The current lasso tool allows a hybrid lasso and poly-lasso selection, which is extremely useful. If you draw continuously, you get the lasso. If you lift the pencil and tap it in a different location, you get a straight line connecting that location and the previous location, which is essentially poly-lasso. However, this tapping sometimes could be inaccurate without a cursor previewing. For example, if we want to select a box / building according to a line drawing, only a few pixel off could lead to very inaccurate selection if the distance between the two location is large.

Now we have the hover capability, it would be extremely useful to implement a preview of the next anchor point (and also preview the connecting line) when the apple pencil hovers. The behavior would be essentially the same to what we already had on desktop applications like Photoshop.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Apple Pencil Hover
on: March 29, 2023, 11:11:47 PM
Thank you! I just saw the news about iPadOS 16.4 adding this feature! Updated the OS and tried it out with Procreate, it works great! Looking forward to seeing this feature added in Artstudio Pro as well!

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Apple Pencil Hover
on: February 26, 2023, 05:21:46 PM
I don't really know iOS programming, but it seems there are both altitudeAngle and azimuthAngle in UIHoverGestureRecognizer ( ). Does it mean at least technically we have the required information to support orientation previewing?

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Apple Pencil Hover
on: February 25, 2023, 10:26:54 PM
Is the pencil tilt information available in the hover event? Is yes, is it possible to also show the orientation of the cursor in hover when the brush orientation dynamics is set to be determined by the pen tilt?

I think this is the one of the most useful feature for the hover capabilities. If we are able to preview the orientation of brushes (like on a computer with Wacom tablet), then it would be much easier to use a flat brush that can do both broad and thin strokes at the same time. It would make blocking out various shapes much easier and faster. A good example is the excellent built-in "Borodante brush" (with rotation jitter turned off).

Thanks a lot!

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Auto close panel?
on: February 25, 2023, 12:57:43 PM
Another scenario which is occurring even more frequently is layer panel. When I switch to a different layer and start painting, the first stroke is always lost if I do not remember to explicitly close the layer panel first.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Auto close panel?
on: February 20, 2023, 11:13:32 PM

May I suggest the feature to auto close a panel after one item is selected? Consider the following scenario:

1. From the brush picker, I choose one brush.
2. I start to draw. But the first stroke is registered as a click on the screen, which closes the brush panel automatically. But I also lose my first drawing stroke.

A more ideal behavior (at least hopefully configurable to user's preferable like "auto close menu item") is to auto close the panel at the end of step 1, when I have chosen one item from the list.

Similar thing happens to the color wheel. For example, if I want to do a color fill:

1. I select the paint bucket tool.
2. I click the color wheel popup, and select a color. Note the color wheel panel stays open.
3. I click the area to fill. Instead of filling, it just closes the color wheel panel. I have to click a second time in order to fill with the color.

Ideal behavior is to auto close the panel (unless the user has dragged to make it always visible) after I have picked a color (end of step 2).

I hope this makes sense. Thanks very much! Those little things will make painting experiences more smooth!

+1 that long-press is not very convenient to use. I (and probably many painter) very commonly work in a area by continuously sample nearby colors and paint and repeat. The brush is right near the area where I want to pick color so using finger is not as convenient as using the pen to pick color. However, if I set the latency to trigger color picker by long-pressing the pen to too low, then I will be accidentally triggering it a lot when doing slow strokes. A virtual 'alt' key really solve this issue perfectly.

+1 for the Alt-key style eye dropper. The current way of choosing the eye dropper, pick the color, and tap to choose the brush, is too slow to work with especially when you are a painter and sample the surrounding color a lot to mix. The long-pressing is also not ideal as there is no good trade-off on the time value that is both not making you wait to long and not accidentally trigger a lot.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Alt key equivalent
on: December 18, 2018, 09:14:44 PM
I really like the idea. In fact, procreate have the idea for the eye-dropper feature. There is a (virtual) button that I can press and hold, and then the apple pencil temporarily becomes an eyedropper. When I release the button, it turns back to the brush. I think it is essentially like the Alt key in a keyboard. But it is so much easier to use than things like long pressing, etc. Especially if you often paint and mix by sampling nearby colors.

Really hope artstudio pro could have this kind of feature.

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