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Messages - JarekM

Pages: [1]
Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Big Thanks!!
on: September 21, 2021, 03:31:08 AM
I got feather 0 and I experiment a bit, when I "tap draw" sharp corners or shapes on screen without drawing a straight lines by hand only taping corner points, then smoothing is inverse less=more and scaling looks like below

disabled =50 smoothing
5 and more=disabled

Hand drawn selection works fine.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Big Thanks!!
on: September 20, 2021, 10:03:07 PM
I'm using newest version and still got bugged lasso. Smoothing works even when I disable it, if I draw square selection by pointing corners it will turn into circle.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Lasso Problem
on: September 08, 2021, 10:13:58 PM
I just update to the newest version still got the same bug.

Here, the problem seems to be very light versions of what happening to me, if I select square shape with lasso tool I got full circle/ellipsis not only rounded corners.

I noticed this a while ago and wrote this thread. It has to do with the smoothing setting that was added a while ago. They were able to improve it but there is still a minor issue I think.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Lasso Problem
on: August 22, 2021, 09:38:26 PM
I'm using Lasso basically all the time, I noticed this yesterday morning then I update ASP to the newest version and have the same lasso behavior on both versions even though the old version works fine until two days ago.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Lasso Problem
on: August 22, 2021, 01:00:33 AM
Recently lasso tool started to behave weird, it looks like I can't make hard corners coz the selection is kinda post smoothing it. In short even if draw hard corner after it's turned into selection it became rounded it, turn square into circle. I've got smoothing disabled, even if I turn it on it behave same whenever it's 1 or 50.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: New empty layer is dark
on: April 13, 2021, 09:41:01 AM
This change is weird and unnecessary. When I sketch with black/dark color , I can't recognise which layer is which, change or additional feature to change this in dark mode, would be great. Light mode is not comfortable for everyone.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Selection + Duplicate
on: March 31, 2021, 11:03:01 PM
I do some workaround by adding shortcut to Add Layer Via Copy. I still think old functionality was better coz You had two features in one button which has lover number of click to perform this kind of action, adding extra ALVC in there might work fine. Thanks for fast reply.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Selection + Duplicate
on: March 30, 2021, 10:56:31 PM
This is something I used a lot in old version, usually I select part of the flatten picture then select parts of it and duplicate as new layer, it was duplicating only selected area. In 3.1 same whole layer is duplicated, selection is ignored. I believe old way was correct.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Lasso + Wet Paint = Clear area
on: February 05, 2020, 11:19:13 AM
I have this weird bug, when I select area (where there is already something) and then I switch to wet paint brush selected area is cleared. It's not happening always.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Wavy lines on beta!
on: December 20, 2018, 10:29:13 PM
Probably it's coused by screen protector, I had same problem on my IPad, remove it or find better quality tempered glass.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Left hand mode
on: June 19, 2018, 12:21:23 PM
In right hand mode when I switch on “Hide right toolbar” color swatches r hidden, this makes sense, but if I switch to left hand mode it is hiding main tool bar (which in left hand mode is in right side).

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Few ideas.
on: May 05, 2018, 07:36:27 AM
I’ll use polish coz creators r from Poland it’s easier nad faster to explain.

Używam waszej appki od kilku tygodni i naprawdę szacunek ze zrobiliście coś takiego, Procreate wyrzuciłem na drugi dzień po zainstalowaniu ASP, kilka problemów /pomysłów

-przycisk do szybkiego używania eyedroper, coś jak ten przycisk w Procreate pomiędzy size i opacity. Przytrzymywanie nawet przez chwile palca jest za wolne
- ring podczas używania eyedroper powinien się pokazywać ponad miejscem dziennie go używa, ja używam palca i wielokrotnie jest bardzo trudno ocenić jaki kolor się sampluje ponieważ po prostu zasłaniam całe kółko . Podnieść miejsce z którego się pobiera kolor o 1 może 2cm powyżej miejsca z którego się pobiera kolor tak samo podnieść to kółko ni którym widzimy pobierany kolor plus zrobić tak jak w PS na górnej części kolor pobierany na dole aktualny kolor.
-jakiś skrót do flip canvas, gest lub przycisk nie ma znaczenia. Artyści lubią jak to jest pod ręka.
- flip horizonta/vertical powinno obracać obraz(view) a nie cały plik. To co jest w ASP jest to taki sam mechanizm jaki jest w PS który obraca każda warstwę po kolejki. W Procreate i w Sketchbook obracany jest tylko wyświetlany obraz co skutkuje błyskawicznym odbiciem obrazy horizontal/vertical
-gradient map
-warp tool

Na razie to tyle i jeszcze raz dzięki za ta genialna apke.

First of all I love this app its way better than Procreate, only few details bothering me.

-no left handed mode
-rotating canvas rotate only view not canvas itself, and brush is positioning according to canvas position not UI position.
-auto save in background recent one is distracting
-fit screen/default position gesture or button

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