Author Topic: Bug: Brush settings changing/bugging on their own, requireing an app refresh  (Read 1609 times)


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This will be weird to explain, I apologize for that.

Frequently I need to refresh the app (by fully closing / reopening) as there are some settings in the brushes I use that seem to glitch out or turn off, even though they are clearly on. I am not really clear on what causes this glitch.
One of the more noticeable changes is the Noise option, under General.

the lines on the left are the incorrect lines, with their settings glitched out. the lines are on the right, circled in "refreshed" are the correct ones. I know it's probably hard to see, but noise option is not applying to the lines on the left.

To help make this a bit more clear, I've turned off the noise *Pattern*, which different from the noise edge.

Speculation: I'm currently not sure what is causing this, be it setting changes through the sizing / opac / flow bar on the left, or a possible weird memory leak - as this usually appears 'the next day' when I've picked up the drawing pad to draw again.

Sorry, lots of edits.
Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 07:32:36 PM by Blokfort


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The pictures on the original post were lost, but thats ok.

I believe I have discovered the issue, and the issue was the >Allow opening multiple documents, option under Preferences < General. At least, I think that's what it was, I haven't had an issue since turning it off.

I will post again If i run into this issue again.


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Nah, it keeps coming back. The bug that turns off the Noise setting keeps returning.
It's seems to be either related to minimizing the app, closing / opening canvases, editing brush settings and switching between Eraser / Brush modes, or something else entirely.

While I like the Noise setting, I've decided to just turn it off for now as I would rather not have deal with inconsistent line-art, and general buggyness.