Author Topic: Is this software still being developed?  (Read 2955 times)


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Is this software still being developed?
on: April 07, 2024, 04:37:58 PM
Haven't seen anything new lately. Or, many questions answered either. Just wondering if the software is still being developed.

I'm using the desktop version, which, other than pigment mixing, hasn't been touched in ages.

I love the software, but it still needs some simple improvements.

Any info would be appreciated!



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Re: Is this software still being developed?
Reply #1 on: April 16, 2024, 01:42:50 AM
Check this link, looks like new things are coming.


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Re: Is this software still being developed?
Reply #2 on: June 06, 2024, 12:08:36 AM
I purchased ArtStudio Pro after seeing YouTube guy at Adam Duff at Lucidpixul highly recommending it.  It is substantially better than other apps.

But ArtStudio Pro really deserves more publicity. And dev support.

If people knew about it and knew about the brush sets it would be more popular. (The Juliano Brush Index for Artstudio Pro (3 set package) created by Claudio Juliano is worth every cent)

The ArtStudio Reddit subredit seems pretty much ignored. Questions remain unanswered for long periods it seems.

There was not even a post about the new App revision 5.2 of May 2024 supporting Apple Pencil Pro ..... until I posted one. And this is a big selling point over others that STILL have no Pencil Pro support. (There is a pinned post from a year ago about 5.1)

There are even questions (like this post here) on both Reddit and Lucky Clan asking if the app is no longer supported.

Bit of a shame given how well the app works. I think if users think they are ignored, cannot get answers from developers or community, they will use something else.

That would be certainly be very sad.


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Re: Is this software still being developed?
Reply #3 on: August 14, 2024, 04:49:10 PM
Any chance of at least a small update? The desktop version can use some (hopefully) not so complicated updates, like:

Seeing multiple open documents at the same time (or at least a "live" reference document).

The ability to tear off or rearrange palettes. They also sometimes disappear when you switch brushes.

Now that ASP has real pigment mixing, how about a mixing palette?

