Author Topic: Suggestions + bug reports (layer mask)  (Read 1955 times)


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Suggestions + bug reports (layer mask)
on: April 01, 2023, 10:49:44 AM

-Being able to export brush stamps in some way, I would like to reuse some custom stamps I've created in other programs.

-Adding lens blur. I think a more customizable bokeh in the depth of field filter would do the trick

-On file > information, indicate when the file was created


-Layer mask doesn't work correctly when you merge it if it's clipped to another layer. It used to work fine, not sure when this started happening. I've attached a video of the effect. For clarification, I would expect the pink layer to have the mask applied, instead it just disappears.

-Adjustment layers don't export to PSD. When importing a PSD they aren't present either. This is not extremely important but worth mentioning

Thanks for taking the time to look at these!

Lucky Clan

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Re: Suggestions + bug reports (layer mask)
Reply #1 on: April 04, 2023, 09:06:03 AM
To copy stamps long press the stamp image and pick "Copy" or "Copy Image to Clipboard"

Lens Blur - i will consider that in the future

File Information - i agree, we will add it soon

Merging mask with clipping mask - we reproduced and fixed that

Exporting adjustment layers to psd - photoshop adjustment layers are not 100% compatible with artstudio so we don't export them at all actually