Author Topic: A pair of helpful suggestions (i hope)  (Read 1420 times)


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A pair of helpful suggestions (i hope)
on: February 15, 2023, 04:25:43 PM
Could you add a button in the files part of the app or settings that regenerates the thumbnails of your artstudio's files? My friend (and me too), lost most of the thumbnails after updating the app, i wouldn't mind if it takes a while to regenerate.

Could you add a search option for the brushes panel? i know i can fav and have the recent brushes area, but when you fav and use a lot of different brushes that you still have to search for them... a text box at the top that only shows the brushes with "x" name would be immensely helpful :'(

My friend also complained a lot about a weird issue with selections+moving selections and undo/redo, corrupting the history, but he is unable to reproduce it to the point of giving me instructions for it, so once i know ill report it here.

Thanks for your hard work :)