Not sure what triggers it yet but when i do a selection, or i zoom or i do other stuff, the whole canvas becomes a blurry mess of pixels, as if i resized down the canvas a lot and zoomed in a lot too. I think this happened in the past and is related to the "view" cache or something like that. For example, when I undo, the whole canvas is like this until i zoom in or out. Looks like hiding/showing layers also causes it.
And already asked it in another thread but ill ask here too. Could the zoom snapping be a preference instead of dissapearing? I kind of waste a lot of time trying to get the zoom to 100% instead of 98-99% or 101-102%... I know it might sound stupid but its triggering my OCD really badly

It could be an option inside Interface, the same way we have "Snappable sliders" i think you even removed the rotation snap, or at least it feels that way because trying to get 100% zoom + 0º requires skill now