The quick menu displays all the tools and things that can be put on the toolbar, but the toolbar lets you give a custom name to them, even letting you use those special icons if you put in the correct codenames.
The quick menu would benefit from this functionality, especially if you are putting favorite presets in it. They show up as "ActivateFavoritePreset1, 2, 3," etc, which makes it real hard to tell what they are. They could be the brush, eraser, lasso, anything, and theres no good indicator.
Ideally, any tool you add to the quick menu would show its icon. In the attached mockup, you can see I did that for the lasso tool.
For favorite tools, it would be real cool if they could show the tool's icon with a little star next to it to let you know its a favorite. Since favorites can store custom settings per tool, a customizable bit of text below it would let you indicate its functionality. for instance, I have the move tool in the mockup as a favorite preset twice, but one is set to duplicate. The custom text is the only thing that would let you know that. The custom text can also describe what kind of brush the favorite is (Pencil, in this mockup), or that a fill bucket is set to lasso mode, etc. There's many more examples of customizations that would benefit from this.
It would make the new quick swipe functionality in the single-finger quick menu gesture very handy for rapidly switching between common tools for a particular workflow. I think it would really make the quick menu nicer and quicker to visually understand as you go.
Thanks for considering this!