Author Topic: Where is the color wheel on the mac app?  (Read 7721 times)


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Where is the color wheel on the mac app?
on: November 29, 2021, 09:32:10 AM
Hey I've used Artstudio Pro on the iPad for quite some time and just downloaded the Mac app. I have some questions on how to use it:

1. Most importantly: Where is the color wheel? I just see some preinstalled swatches.
2. Can you customize shortcuts on the mac?
3. Can you move windows around
4. The description in the app store said it has the same features as on iOS / iPadOS, but the mac version looks significantly less "flexible" in usability so far (readjusting windows etc). Is that just my first impression?

Thanks for your help :)
Last Edit: November 29, 2021, 09:46:27 AM by Moheri


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Re: Where is the color wheel on the mac app?
Reply #1 on: January 24, 2022, 04:42:13 AM
You can find the color wheel by clicking on the single active color swatch in the upper left corner. Sometimes the color wheel window then hides partly (so you can't move it) or completely (you don't see it at all) "behind" the application. Then simply decrease the app window size (upper left corner, green button) and look behind the application. You can move the color wheel somewhere else on the screen in front of the app window from there and the problem should be solved until you restart the app. Same goes for the detailed brush window (you can fid it when you hit the brush pattern with the small number underneath right next to the active color swatch).
Hope this was helpful!


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Re: Where is the color wheel on the mac app?
Reply #2 on: January 23, 2023, 12:51:26 PM
I bought this app for Mac too because this is the alternative for procreate in MAC. But really we need some improvement in the MAC version. Maybe not in features, but in UX/Ui. Would be great if the app were is the same of the iPad version. I mean, the Ui. I missed the Color Wheel too. The Circle of colors with a triangle in the middle. This is mandatory in an art program.

But before of all. Thank you for this program.
Best regards!


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Re: Where is the color wheel on the mac app?
Reply #3 on: January 24, 2023, 11:32:32 AM
I've been trying to push the Mac desktop version because I do think it's very good. The developer said sales were slow for it, so it wasn't getting as much attention as others.

I, too, can make a list of improvements that would boost sales, I would think.

One thing I find is a big boost that no one mentions is it's near flawless import of Photoshop brushes. I've only had to make a few tweaks to the many I've imported.

I'm also trying out ArtRage and Krita (I primarily use Photoshop) and I have spend hours in those pother apps to get my PS brushes to work, and haven't been able to.

One major thing I find odd about ASP is I can't easily use a reference image. You can't have documentys open side by side and you can't have a separate reference window you can color pick from.



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Re: Where is the color wheel on the mac app?
Reply #4 on: May 27, 2023, 08:05:43 AM
I would also love for Lucky Clan to throw more support behind the desktop versions, they have a real chance of getting a large influx of artists using this program, with the way Adobe are handling photoshop and AI etc
Hopefully we can have some improvements UI adjustment and docking.

Great software either way!

Is there a keyboard shortcut for the color editor? I tried creating my own hotkey through the system preferences, but I cant seem to bind one to opening the color editor.
Last Edit: May 27, 2023, 09:01:51 AM by MartinGillArt


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Re: Where is the color wheel on the mac app?
Reply #5 on: May 29, 2023, 08:13:06 AM
The Mac version is very potent as is but not very friendly when it comes to adaptation to ones personal workflow. But to keep up with the competition on the iPad I guess Lucky Clan have to pour all of their effort into the mobile version. We still get the engine upgrades with its bells and whistles.  :)

If you have Apple silicon M1/M2 you can run the iPad version in MacOS. Keyboard shortcuts exists if you don't have a touch enabled tablet. There are some drawbacks. Personally I have to drag my images in to the app from finder as I can't find any gallery or file browser.  The mouse cursor doesn't disappear when the brush is over the canvas.
This can be cured by installing the tool Cursorcerer. The app Mousecape can help to make a custom cursor, like a black dot with white outline, to be less intrusive when painting.

Sidecar, Easycanvas and Astropad acts a bit weird when using touch. Astropad have a nice option to hide cursor when painting. I don't think Apple had painting apps in mind when creating the framework for running iOS/iPadOS apps in MacOS.

I still prefer the desktop version on my Mac though.